Super loose JSON + TOML parsers and unmarshaller for Go.
JSONC and JSON5 can also be read.
- Loose JSON | TOML normalizer (WebAssembly)
- Normalize loose JSON | TOML to strict JSON
- Code
package main
import (
func main() {
// src: Loose JSON
// plafLb:
// * Platform-dependent line break.
// * `Linebreak_Lf` | `Linebreak_CrLf` | `Linebreak_Cr`
// * Line break codes in multi-line string are replaced by this specified line break.
// (Excluding line breaks by escape sequences)
// interop:
// * If `Interop_JSON` is set,
// replace NaN, Infinity, complex number
// by `{nan:true}`, `{inf:+/-1}`, `{re:re,im:im}` .
// * If `Interop_TOML` is set,
// replace complex number by `{re:re,im:im}` .
// * If `Interop_JSON_AsNull` is set,
// replace NaN, Infinity, complex number by null.
// * If `Interop_TOML_AsNull` is set,
// replace complex number by null.
// parsed:
// nil | []any | map[string]any |
// float64 | int64 | uint64 | complex128 |
// string | bool | time.Time
parsed, err := jsonlp.ParseJSON(`{
// comment
config: {
addr: '',
}`, jsonlp.Linebreak_Lf, jsonlp.Interop_None)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Parse: error = %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Parsed = %v\n", parsed)
package main
import (
func main() {
// src: Loose TOML
// plafLb:
// * Platform-dependent line break.
// * `Linebreak_Lf` | `Linebreak_CrLf` | `Linebreak_Cr`
// * Line break codes in multi-line string are replaced by this specified line break.
// (Excluding line breaks by escape sequences)
// interop:
// * If `Interop_JSON` is set,
// replace NaN, Infinity, complex number
// by `{nan:true}`, `{inf:+/-1}`, `{re:re,im:im}` .
// * If `Interop_TOML` is set,
// replace complex number by `{re:re,im:im}` .
// * If `Interop_JSON_AsNull` is set,
// replace NaN, Infinity, complex number by null.
// * If `Interop_TOML_AsNull` is set,
// replace complex number by null.
// parsed:
// nil | []any | map[string]any |
// float64 | int64 | uint64 | complex128 |
// string | bool | time.Time
parsed, err := jsonlp.ParseTOML(`
# comment
addr = ''
`, jsonlp.Linebreak_Lf, jsonlp.Interop_None)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Parse: error = %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Parsed = %v\n", parsed)
Mapping untyped data to a typed variable.
package main
import (
type config struct {
Addr string `json:"addr"`
type response struct {
Config config `json:"config"`
func main() {
parsed, err := jsonlp.ParseJSON(`{
// comment
config: {
addr: '',
}`, jsonlp.Linebreak_Lf, jsonlp.Interop_None)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Parse: error = %v\n", err)
var typed response
// src: Source data. Untyped in typical use.
// dst: Pointer to result data. Typed in typical use.
// opts: Pointer to struct of the `Unmarshal` options. If nil, use default.
// Default options are {
// TagName: "json", // Tag name of the struct fields
// NoCopyUnexportedFields: false, // If true, no shallow copying of unexported fields
// NoCustomMarshaller: false, // If true, IMarshal and IUnmarshal are not used
// }
if err := marshal.Unmarshal(parsed, &typed, nil); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unmarshal: error = %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Typed = %v\n", typed)
also works well for typed to untyped conversions and as deep cloning.
- ✅ Can read strict TOML.
- ✅ Can read loose JSON, JSONC, JSON5, and TOML for configuration files.
- ✅ Can be mapped to structs, untyped maps/slices, or primitives.
- ✅ Can read many list and map literals in JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.
- ✅
Marshalling from any to typed
- ✅
Datetime format with date and time delimited by space (RFC 3339 section 5.6)e.g.2006-01-02 15:04:05Z
- ✅
Datetime format without timezonee.g.2006-01-02T15:04:05
- ✅
Platform-dependent newline in multiline string - Error detection when values are overwritten
# Hash comment
// Line comment
/* Block comment */
// Object keys can be enclosed in either double-quote, single-quote, back-quote.
// It is also allowed not to enclose them.
"foo": [
123, // -> float64(123)
-123.45, // -> float64(-123.45)
-1.2345e+6, // -> float64(-1234500)
-123_456_789, // -> float64(-123456789)
0x12345678, // -> float64(305419896)
0x1234_5678, // -> float64(305419896)
0o7654_3210, // -> float64(16434824)
0b0101_0101, // -> float64(85)
'bar': null, // -> nil
baz: undefined, // -> nil
"qux": -Infinity, // -> -Inf // Infinity, +Infinity are also available
"quux": NaN, // -> NaN
// Non-ASCII identifiers can also be used.
あいうえお: {
key: "value1",
bare_key: "value2",
bare-key: "value3", // Keys containing hyphens are allowed.
1234: "value4", // Keys starting with a number are allowed.
-3.14: "value5", // "-3": { "14": "value5" }
"corge": [
// Escape sequences are available
'Hello, World!\r\n',
// Unicode escape sequences (\uXXXX and \u{XXXXXX}) are available
// Byte escape sequence is also available
// Multiline string literal
`Tempor adipiscing amet velit ipsum diam ut ea takimata lorem gubergren sed laoreet.
Congue possim facilisis sea justo dolore amet eos dolores est magna.`
"grault": [
// Date, Time, DateTime literals are available
2020-12-31, // -> time.Time 2020-12-31:00:00.000Z
18:20:30.001, // -> time.Time 1870-01-01T18:20:30.001Z
2020-12-31T18:20:30.001Z // -> time.Time 2020-12-31:20:30.001Z
// "key = value" syntax is allowed
garply = true,
// "key => value" syntax is allowed
waldo => false,
// Trailing commas are allowed.
fred: 10,
See also: Introducing JSON, JSON5 Spec
# Hash comment
// Line comment (non-standard)
/* Block comment (non-standard) */
"quoted-key" = "value0"
key = "value1"
bare_key = "value2"
bare-key = "value3" # Keys containing hyphens are allowed.
1234 = "value4" # Keys starting with a number are allowed.
-3.14 = "value5" # "-3": { "14": "value5" }
あいうえお = "value6" # // Non-ASCII identifiers are allowed. (non-standard)
item-a = 1
item-b = 2
item-c = "standard\n string"
item-d = '\literal string'
item-e = """\
Multiline \
standard string"""
item-f = '''
literal string''' "\t" '''!!'''
item-m = 11
item-n = 12
sub-table-X.sub-table-Y = 111
foo = 1
bar = 11
foo = 2
bar = 22
See also: TOML Spec
[1, 2]
[1, 2,]
{ "foo": 1 }
{ "foo": 1, }
{ 'foo': 1, }
{ `foo`: 1, }
{ foo: 1, }
{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2, }
{ "foo" => 1 }
{ "foo" = 1 }
{ = 1 }
// -> { "foo": { "bar": { "baz": 1 } } }
{ "foo".bar."baz" = 1 }
// -> { "foo": { "bar": { "baz": 1 } } }
1.23 - 34.5i
1.23e+1 - 34.5e-1i
0x1.8p+1 - 0x1.8p-1i
NaN - NaN_i
Infinity - Infinity_i
"foo" "bar"
// -> "foobar"
'foo' 'bar'
// -> 'foobar'
// -> nil
// -> nil
// -> nil
# Hash line comment
// Line comment
Block comment
Copyright (c) 2023 Shellyl_N and Authors.
Powered by takenoco Parser Combinator Library