Our project in brief: Coming from the time where millions of people experienced the worst of the NFT bubble and the few who gained alot from it, we were always baffled by the pump and dump schemes that popularised NFTs. Creating real value is a very hard but wonderful thing. In the old real world, art was priced by who created it, and who asked for it. But now it seems there are lots of 'dark forces' that rule this fraction of economy. So the question arises, how do you value a digital piece of art solely on the basis of its ownership? People have come up with solutions where virtual reality environments and games assert a value to these art pieces through rarity and demand. But some great guy has said," Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a land slide, no escape from reality." We have created a system where NFTs have a value in the real world. Our idea revolves around the concept of creating value by giving materialistic structure to a NFT. When you buy an NFT, you are given the choice of choosing a merch object as in a tshirt or a poster that is made with premium material and high quality print. These merch objects are made with an authentication system created by us that will not only be hard to duplicate but economically unviable to sell copies. Think of it, kind of like the sneakers market. Our art pieces are meant to be held in collections.
to build an NFT platform as described above, three things are of utmost importance: 1.Front-end, 2.Back-end, 3.Integration of the web api to the blockchain. We made the decision of making the web app through WIX to enhance the UX and save time. We succesfully created the website the link to which is attached in the repository. Back-end: The most important part of backend for any web3 dapp are the smartcontracts. All the smartcontracts required to create a NFT platform as described above are written in solidity. And we swuccesfully deployed it on a testnet through Remix. Integration: This is where3 we failed in all our attempts. As we came to understand, websites created through wix don't support web3 integration. We tried all the ways possible, but failed miserably. We tried creating a new website from scratch instead but due to lack of time that is left incomplete.