A smart Internet-of-Things data accumulator
Chris Hardee [email protected]
Please file bugs/features/help in the issue tracker
- Write a detailed install guide
- General information in the readme
- Links to webpage
- Need to add a footer
- Logo
- Should display updates to modules/app-recommends
- Display any alerts
- Links to buy more modules
- Detailed About page
- Help page
- Contribute Page
- Should have a nicer visual style
Dynamically add apps
- Need a /modules app that will pull down a list of modules
- Can add/remove modules
- Django handles additional apps
App -> Module hooks
- Modules (hardware) should be separate from Apps (software)
- Each Module 'hooks' into one or many apps For example a PIR module that hooks into a conversion app and a security app
- Each module will have a configuration model You can configure module specific items, like Fahrenheit or Celsius for a temperature module
- Each module will need to 'sync' with the BizeeBox Either done with direct programming via serial cable or only update wifi information
- Script to program the module
- Need to write code to capture data per sensor
- Connect to wifi and send data via rest api
- Optionally receive information (output sensor)
Additional Modules
- (wireless) temp sensor
- PIR sensor
- CO2 sensor
- moisture sensor
- CO2 sensor
- Flame sensor
- (Output) Relay sensor
Module 'hooks'
- Each module will send an update to the bizeebox via rest api
- Each module should be programmed with a unique apikey
- After receiving data, should update each app it's 'hooked' into
- Each app should have a /recommends page
- This will analyze the data and give recommendations
- Should pull from a recommends.py
- Should be update able