A minimalist package to style your terminal output the way you want
go get github.com/shashankbhat10/GoChalk
import (
func main() {
// Prints a string in red font color
fmt.Println(gochalk.Red("This is a red string"))
// Print a string with multiple styles
fmt.Println(gochalk.StyledString("String with multiple styles", gochalk.FgCyan, gochalk.Bold, gochalk.Underlined))
// Print a string having mix of styled string
fmt.Println(gochalk.Green("Green", gochalk.Red("Red String"), "String"))
To reuse any style, create Chalk Objects. Chalk objects are immutable, and new styles being added or removed will return a new chalk object
// Create a Chalk object
chalk := gochalk.NewStyle(gochalk.Bold, gochalk.FgRed)
// Will print a string with styles present in chalk object
fmt.Println(chalk.toString("Bold red string"))
// Will replace red font color with yellow color
boldWarning := chalk.Remove(gochalk.FgRed).Add(gochalk.FgYellow)
// Providing foreground or background colors will replace any existing corresponding color
warning := chalk.Add(gochalk.FgYellow)
// RemoveAll will return a new chalk with all styles removed
normalSuccess := chalk.RemoveAll().Add(gochalk.FgGreen)
// To print string using object, call the Println method of the object
normalSuccess.Println("All tests passed")
- Support for all basic colors supported in terminals
- No additional dependencies
- 100% test coverage
Add support for 256 color range in supported terminals
Shashank Bhat