This release introduces a capability to the template to handle viewing rights on a private marketplace.
Translations changes
New translation keys
"NoAccessPage.viewListings.schemaTitle": "No viewing rights",
"NoAccessPage.viewListings.heading": "You don't have viewing rights",
"NoAccessPage.viewListings.content": "To view this content, you need to receive viewing rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",
Changes 2024-10-08
[add] Access control: Viewing rights.
When a user's viewing rights have been revoked:
- SearchPage redirects to NoAccessPage
- ListingPage redirects to NoAccessPage unless the user is viewing their own listing. Reviews are
not displayed. - ProfilePage redirects to NoAccessPage unless the user is viewing their own profile. Reviews are
not displayed. - TransactionPage does not show the OrderPanel for transactions at the inquiry state of booking or
purchase processes.