This is a patch release to fix one significant bug: when additional shipping fee was set to 0, there was no shipping fee included.
In addition, listing page schema for bookable listings mentioned out-of-stock flag even though stock was not relevant for bookable listings.
Changes v5.2.1
- [fix] fix: calculateShippingFee (when shippingPriceInSubunitsAdditionalItems is 0, no shipping fee
was included) #414 - [fix] Remove stock from schema if there's no stock in use.
#405 - [fix] Remove left-behind slash from inquiry-new-inquiry email template reference.
#406 - [fix] The subject line of purchase-new-order email had a wrong variable name.
#413 - [change] Fix another typo in FR translations.
#409 - [change] Fix a typo in FR translations.
#408 - [add] Add currently available translations for de, es, fr.
#404 - [fix] The example files of SignupForm and ConfirmSignupForm had wrong data.
#403 - [change] FilterComponent: relax generated name-attribute for inputs: allow camelCase.