Provides Node Information from Yana2 to Rundeck
Setting up:
Download Apache Maven 3.0
Unzip and add bin folder to PATH
Execute the following to install rundeck core jar (which you can find in your Rundeck installation, or here: locally:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.rundeck.core -DartifactId=rundeck-core -Dversion=1.4.3 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -Dfile=rundeck-core-1.4.3.jar
Run mvn clean install to build.
Note that the plug-in is also being continuously built at
Just drop the build (e.g. rundeck-yana2-nodes-plugin-1.1.jar from the project's Downloads section) into ${rdeck.base}/libext (creating the directory, if necessary) and use the Rundeck project setup UI to configure Yana2 resources as the resource model source.
Here's the minimum Yana XML to load through the Yana2 UI to get your first node:
<attribute name="hostname" filter="String"/>
<attribute name="osArch" filter="String"/>
<attribute name="osFamily" filter="String"/>
<attribute name="osName" filter="String"/>
<attribute name="osVersion" filter="String"/>
<attribute name="username" filter="String"/>
<type name="node">
<description>Rundeck node (system/server) type</description>
<attribute name="hostname" required="true"/>
<attribute name="osArch" required="false"/>
<attribute name="osFamily" required="false"/>
<attribute name="osName" required="false"/>
<attribute name="osVersion" required="false"/>
<attribute name="username" required="false"/>
<node name="centos62-rundeck-tomcat" type="node" tags="tag1,tag2,tag3">
<description>Sample node instance</description>
<attribute name="hostname" value="centos62-rundeck-tomcat"/>
<attribute name="osArch" value="amd64"/>
<attribute name="osFamily" value="unix"/>
<attribute name="osName" value="Linux"/>
<attribute name="osVersion" value="2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64"/>
<attribute name="username" value="tomcat"/>