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VPE Editor Cheat Sheet

Sam Habiel edited this page Jun 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

The VPE Routine Reader (VRR) and Editor (E), share many features, however some of the features listed below only pertain to the editor.


Keystroke Action
<END> Moves to the last routine line at the same cursor position.
<HOME> Moves to the first routine line at the same cursor position.
<PAGEDOWN> Will move you down the routine by one screen length.
<PAGEUP> Will move you up the routine by one screen length.
<AD> (Arrow down) Moves your cursor one line down from its current position.
<AU> (Arrow up) Moves your cursor one line up from its current position.
<AL> (Arrow left) Moves your cursor one position to the left.
<AR> (Arrow right) Moves your cursor one position to the right.
<F2 F2> Move cursor to the end of current line.
<F1 F1> Move cursor to the beginning of the current line, after the tab.
<F1 AR> Move cursor to the end of the line (even if the code wraps to multiple lines).
<F1 AL> Move cursor to the beginning of the line, after the tab (even if the code wraps to multiple lines)
<F2 AL> Move the cursor 15 characters to the left.
<F2 AR> Move the cursor 15 characters to the right.
<F4 AR> Moves to the last routine line at the same cursor position.
<F4 AL> Moves to the first routine line at the same cursor position.
<ESC R> (with cursor on '^' preceding routine name) If the '^' is prefixed by a valid line label you are taken directly to that line label, otherwise you are take to the beginning of the routine.
<TAB R> Will allow you to branch to a routine of your choice. You can also utilize your Command Line History keys (see below).
<TAB F> Stands for 'find a line label.' Branch to one of the line labels listed, selecting by number.
<TAB L> Stands for 'locate a string.' Prompts you for a string, and locates the next line below containing the requested string. You can then continue typing <ESC N> to continue to locate the next occurrence of the same string.
<TAB G> Stands for 'go to line number.' You are prompted for LINE and must respond with a line number. The selected line number then becomes the first line on the screen.

Clipboard Utilization

Keystroke Action
<F3> Toggles block mode on & off. Notice upper right corner of editor when block mode is on.
<F3 END> Toggle block mode on, and then highlight the current routine line down through the end of the routine.
<F3 HOME> Toggle block mode on, and then highlight the current routine line up through the beginning of the routine.
<AU> (Arrow-Up) or <AD> When block mode is on, highlights line(s) of code.
<AL> (Arrow-Left) or <AR> When block mode is on, highlights characters of code to cut, copy, or paste.
<DEL> When block mode is on, deletes the highlighted line(s) or characters of code.
<ESC C> When block mode is on, copies highlighted code to the clipboard and turns off block mode.
<ESC D> When block mode is on, highlighted code is deleted. When block mode is off the current line is deleted.
<ESC X> When block mode is on, highlighted lines of code are cut and placed on the clipboard.
<ESC V> When block mode is off, lines of code in the clipboard are inserted below the current line; or, characters from a single routine line contained in the clipboard are inserted on the current line.
<HOME> When block mode is on, highlights the current line and all lines up to the beginning of the routine.
<END> When block mode is on, highlights the current line and all lines down to the end of the routine.
<TAB PUR> To purge the contents of the clipboard.


Keystroke Action
<ENTER> (or Return) Default: Will open (or insert) a new line BELOW the current line regardless of where the cursor is. There is another option; see <TAB P> under Programmer Tools below.
<ESC -> (dash) Inserts a line, under the current cursor position, of dashes (for fancy documentation)
<ESC .> (period) Inserts a line, under the current cursor position, of periods (for fancy documentation)
<ESC B> Breaks the current line into 2 lines at the cursor position. All of the characters from the current cursor position on will be inserted on a new line just below. Note: The cursor must be somewhere to the right of the tab character when using this keystroke.
<TAB CALL> This feature utilizes a selected entry from the VPE PROGRAMMER CALL file. It will insert lines of mumps code for you below the line where your cursor is currently placed. For example, when prompted for CALL type 'FM DIC' and take the default of Yes when prompted with 'Delete previous values? ' Next you will see an input page (using a FM Screenman call) for all of the various input variables to the DIC utility. Answer DIC with 200 and DIC(0) with 'AEMQ' follow by <F1 E> to exit Screenman. You will be prompted with 'Insert this Call into your routine? ' and take the default of YES. The editor will then place the mumps code into your routine for the DIC call.
<TAB JC> Stands for 'join to the current line.' The next routine line just below the current is cut and pasted to the end of the current line. A space character is added to separate the newly inserted code from the original line.
<TAB LC> Stands for 'locate and change.' You are prompted for a REPLACE string, a WITH string, a STARTING LINE number and an ENDING LINE number. Finally you can accept or reject each replaced with 'Y'es or 'N'o responses, or, type 'A' to change all occurrences of the located string without any further prompting.

Programmer Tools

Keystroke Action
<TAB ASC> Will display a table of the ASCII character set.
<TAB FMC> Lets you navigate around a condensed version of the FM Programmer Manual.
<TAB I> To run a routine index without leaving the editor. You can send the output to a printer or back to your screen.
<TAB P> To edit the parameter controlling the way in which the <RETURN> key effects how a line new line of code is added to an existing routine. You can optionally allow the <RETURN> key to break a routine line into two lines of code if the cursor is not at the start or end of a line. If you choose to select this option and the cursor is at the start of the line, the <RETURN> would open a new line ABOVE the current line. If the cursor were at the end of a line the <RETURN> key would open a new line BELOW the current line.
<TAB RS> To run a routine search without leaving the editor. Each occurrence found during the search will pause the screen until you hit return.
<TAB S> Will display the size of the routine (the saved version).
<TAB SV> To save the routine without exiting the routine editor.
<TAB VEDD> Access the Victory Electronic Data Dictionary.
<TAB VGL> Access the Victory Global Lister. When you are prompted for Global ^ you can answer with a global, use the Command Line History keys (see below), or enter <SPACEBAR> return to be prompted for 'Select FILE: ' if you can't remember the name of the global.

Command Line History

The VShell maintains a Command Line History (CLH) that allows you to capture, edit, and reissue up to 20 commands. There is a separate CLH maintained for each of the four modules in Dave Bolduc's product (the VShell itself, the global lister (VGL), the electronic data dictionary (VEDD), and the routine reader (VRR)).

Command Line History Keys


  • Will display your last 20 routine names in the Routine Reader/Editor (VRR).
  • Will display your last 20 global references in the Global Lister/Editor (VGL).
  • Will display your last 20 file names in the Electronic Data Dictionary (VEDD).
  • Will display your last 20 command lines from the VShell.

Pressing the <AU> and <AD> keys will navigate up and down through the Command Line History one line at a time.

Purging Command Line History

This will happen automatically, for your protection, when switching UCIs.

You may also purge the CLH at any time with the appropriate System QWIKs as follows:

        ..PURVSHL    Purge VShell CLH

        ..PURVRR      Purge Routine Lister/Editor CLH

        ..PURVGL      Purge Global Lister/Editor CLH

        ..PURVEDD    Purge Electronic Data Dictionary CLH.

Turning VShell Command Line History into a User QWIK

Using the arrow keys noted above move to a command line that you wish to convert to a User QWIK, then hit <ESC Q> for the QWIK dialog. The QWIK you create will automatically utilize the code from the CLH. Remember to use the System QWIK ..QSAVE to save your user QWIKs each time you create a User QWIK.