#StalkGram React-Native
This is an Android App to download videos and images from Instagram.
This is an improved version of Stalkgram
Just copy the link of an image in the app, and press the FloatingActionButton of the app.
A progress bar is going to show you how long it takes to download the file. Once the file was downloaded, you can share it or set as profile picture.
- First, clone de Github project:
git clone https://github.com/sf27/StalkGramReactNative && cd StalkGramReactNative
- Run the following command:
npm install
- Specify the Android SDK path:
- Create the local.properties file
vim android/local.properties
- And add the following variable.:
- Save the changes:
- Create the local.properties file
- Run the server:
react-native start
- Run the app:
react-native run-android
- Run the following command:
cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
- Find the *.apk signed: