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Welcome to WDI 44!

Class runs 9:15AM - 5PM. You are allotted 3 unexcused absences (3 tardies = 1 absence) before you will be asked to leave the program.

Homework is assigned daily; your instructors will occasionally ask you to submit via the Project Submission Doc for review.

All class communication will happen in Slack, in the wdi_sf_44_strictlybiz channel. Please turn your notifications on! We encourage you to Slack your instructors and each other regularly for help.

Every Thursday morning, wdi_sf_44_strictlybiz will prompt you to fill out a Weekly Pulse Check – use this Pulse Check to decide if you need to schedule a one-on-one with an instructor.

Schedule one-on-ones with your instructors as needed – keeping them updated on your progress will better equip them to support you throughout the 12 weeks. Read past students' pro-tips here.

Important Links

Week 11: Python / Django

May 21 - 25 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Intro Python Python OOP Django Walk Through Scraping with API Final Proj
10:30-12:30 Intro Python Python Inheritance Django Walk Through Scraping with API Final Proj
1:30-2:50 Python Classes Python Foundations & Algos Django Walk Through Scraping with Beautiful Soup Final Proj
3:00-4:20 Python Classes Python Foundations & Algos Django Walk Through Scraping with Beautiful Soup Final Proj

Week 10: Proj 3

May 14 - 18 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Proj 3 Proj 3 Proj 3 Proj 3 Callbacks & Promises (FAQ)
10:30-12:30 Proj 3 Proj 3 Proj 3 Outcomes (11am) Callbacks & Promises (KBB)
1:30-2:50 Proj 3 Proj 3 Proj 3 Intro to Trees (FAQ) React Auth (KBB)
3:00-4:20 Proj 3 Proj 3 Proj 3 Algos:Binary Search Trees (FAQ) React Auth (KBB)

Week 9: More React and Proj 3

May 7 - 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Classroom 3!) Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 OOP & the prototype chain in JS (FAQ) Whiteboarding (FAQ) LinkedLists Proj 3 Algo Mergesort (Iter & Recurs)
10:30-12:30 Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ) Review Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ) LinkedLists (& lunch with UXDI) Outcomes (11am) Proj 3
1:30-2:50 Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ) Flower Power: Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript React Build Day Proj 3 Pitches Proj 3
3:00-4:20 Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ) Flower Power: Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript React Build Day Proj 3 Proposals and Approvals Proj 3
HW See HW pg See HW pg See HW pg See HW pg See HW

Week 8: React

April 30 - May 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Rev State & Props(FAQ) React Router (KBB) React Todo App: Axios & CRUD (FAQ) Lightning Talks(KBB) Fullstack Rev (KBB)
10:30-12:30 Rev State & Props(FAQ) React Router (KBB) React Todo App: Axios & CRUD (FAQ) Algos & Big O notation (FAQ) Intro to Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ)
1:30-2:50 React Component Lifecycles(KBB) React Todo App: up to Containers (FAQ) Lightning Talks (KBB) React Giphy (KBB) Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ)
3:00-4:20 React Component Lifecycles(KBB) React Todo App: up to Containers (FAQ) Algos (FAQ) React Giphy (KBB) Reddit MERN Stack Project (FAQ)
Homework Complete React Router Stock Trader Lab II Review Algos - Big O Notation

Week 7: Proj 2 Wrap-up; React

April 23 - 27 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Proj 2: Vagabond Proj 2: Vagabond ES6 (re)intro (KBB) React Intro 1 (KBB) React State & Props (KBB)
10:30-12:30 Proj 2: Vagabond Proj 2: Vagabond ES6 (re)intro (KBB) Outcomes (11am) React State & Props (KBB)
1:30-2:50 Proj 2: Vagabond Proj 2: Vagabond ES6 Drills (FAQ) React Intro 2 (FAQ) React Static Site Teardown (FAQ)
3:00-4:20 Proj 2: Vagabond Proj 2: Vagabond ES6 Drills (FAQ) React ATM Lab (KBB) React Static Site Teardown (FAQ)

Week 6: Rails

April 16 - 20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Whiteboarding, GitHub Collaboration (FAQ) Recap Bog App; Migrations (Slides) & Associations (JC) Cookies & Sessions;Cookie Monster(FAQ) Recap Library App Pt. 1; Library App Pt 2(KBB) Vagabond
10:30-12:30 Views, Partials, & Helpers, Review Rock 'n' Rails App (FAQ) Associations & start Pet Lab (JC) Auth in Rails (JC) Outcomes (Vanessa) Vagabond
1:30-2:50 Debugging Strats; Intro Bog App(KBB) Rails Validations (FAQ) Intro to Library App: Part I (KBB) Recap Library App Pt 2 (KBB) Vagabond
3:00-4:20 Bog App(KBB) Intro to Pet Lab (KBB) Library App: Part I (KBB) Intro to Project 2: Vagabond (FAQ) Vagabond

Week 5: Ruby

April 9 - 13 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Whiteboarding; Finish & Submit Project 1 (Heroku and Project Submission Doc) Intro to Ruby(Slides) (FAQ) Whiteboarding – Ruby and JavaScript; OOP (FAQ) Whiteboarding – Ruby and JavaScript (FAQ); Intro to SQL & ActiveRecord (KBB) Whiteboarding – Ruby and JavaScript
10:30-12:30 Presentations; Project 1 Self-Reflection Ruby Methods (FAQ) OOP Monster Lab (FAQ) Outcomes (Vanessa) Rock 'n Rails (KBB)
1:30-2:50 Project 1 Retro; Live Refactor; SPA vs Multi-Page Apps; EJS for Server-Side Rendering (FAQ) Username Generator lab (FAQ) Review OOP Monster Lab; Intro to RSpec (KBB); BubbleSort (FAQ) Intro to Rails (JC) Rock 'n Rails (KBB)
3:00-4:20 Final Node Review with Manatee Debug Lab; Project 1 One-on-Ones; Project 1 Feedback Implementation Ruby Practice (FAQ) BubbleSort (FAQ) Rails (JC) Rock 'n Rails (KBB)

Week 4: Project 1

April 2 - 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Whiteboarding; Review Tunely (ESW) Proj 1 Approvals Proj 1 Proj 1 Proj 1
10:30-12:30 Personal API Presentations Proj 1 Approvals Proj 1 Proj 1 Proj 1
1:30-2:50 Intro to Proj 1 & Git Collaboration (FAQ) Proj 1 Approvals Proj 1 Proj 1 Proj 1
3:00-4:20 Proj 1 Planning Proj 1 Approvals Proj 1 Proj 1 Proj 1

Week 3: Full-Stack JavaScript

March 26 - 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Intro to Express (FAQ) Intro to Test-Driven To Do App Mongoose Relationships (FAQ) Fill out Pulse Check! Iterators Whiteboarding (FAQ); Review Book App: Sprint 3 (ESW) Whiteboarding Practice; Homework Review (ESW)
10:30-12:30 Express Lab Intro to MongoDB (ESW) Mongoose Relationships (FAQ) Outcomes Continue Working on Tunely Project
1:30-2:50 REST & Express Dynamic Routing (FAQ) Mongoose (FAQ) Intro to Book App (ESW) High-Level Node MVC Review & Review Jeopardy (ESW); Intro to Tunely Project (FAQ) Go Over Tunely Project; Intro to Personal API Project (ESW)
3:00-4:20 Express Dynamic Routing, cont'd (ESW) Mongoose, cont'd (FAQ) Book App Tunely Project Start on Personal API Project (ESW)

Week 2: JavaScript on the Web

March 19 - 23 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 JQuery Playground Review; Fantastic Mr. Fox Review; Personal Portfolio Code Review (FAQ) Review Functions Training & JS Iterators Lab (FAQ) Review Tic-Tac-Toe Project; Intro to Project 0: Racing Game Project (FAQ) Racing Game Science Fair; HTML Forms (FAQ) HTML Form Homework Review (FAQ); Giphy Project BONUS Review (ESW); JS Review & Whiteboarding (ESW)
10:30-12:30 Functions and Functions Training (FAQ) DOM Events Review & DOM Events Lab (FAQ) Racing Game Project Outcomes (Vanessa) Geoquakes Project (FAQ)
1:30-2:50 Intro to Callbacks & Iterator Functions (ESW) Team Whiteboarding Challenge – Jeopardy Edition (ESW) Racing Game Project AJAX (ESW) Continue working on Geoquakes Project
3:00-4:20 JS Iterators Lab (ESW) Tic Tac Toe Project (ESW) Racing Game Project Giphy Project (ESW) Review Geoquakes Project (FAQ)

Week 1: Welcome to WDI!

March 12 - 17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:20 Orientation; Teacher Intros; Class Values & Culture; Student Intros and Icebreakers Memory Game (Pre-work); Git & GitHub; Personal Portfolio (Part I) (FAQ) Review JS Control Flow; Kyrel (Part II) (FAQ) Review homework; JS Whiteboarding Review homework; Review Jeopardy
10:30-12:30 Scenarios; Norms Brainstorming; Class Schedule & Policies (1:1 Signups) Kyrel (Part I) (ESW) JS Objects (FAQ) Outcomes (Vanessa) JQuery (Part I) (ESW)
1:30-2:50 HTML & CSS Review (ESW) JS Types & Variables (ESW) Markdown, Intro to Functions, Pseudocode, & Debugging (ESW) Kyrel (Part III) (FAQ) JQuery (Part II); jQuery Playground and Fantastic Mr. Fox (ESW)
3:00-4:20 Site Recreation Training (FAQ) JS Control Flow (ESW) JS Basics Problem Set (ESW) More JS Whiteboarding Bootstrap (ESW)


Read this every day!






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