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React Todo

Learning Objectives

  • Build a todo app in React that persists with a backend
  • Use React Router to deep link
  • Use axios promise library to retrieve data from a back end
  • Pass state from parent components to children as props
  • Pass state from children components to their parents as arguments to functions

Framing (0:10 / 0:10)

For today, we'll be creating a Todo app in React. Before we start coding it, we're going to do a code review of a simple todo application. Then, we'll build the application.

We've learned a tremendous amount about object oriented structures for web development. And they were great. With angular, we dabbled a bit with feature-based separation of concerns. React's component model takes that separation further and reduces the potential of tight coupling that often attends object oriented. Think of the FIRST principles:


Components should do one thing and do it well. It takes some time for most developers coming from an OOP background to adjust to React's component-based architecture. At first, a dev from an OOP background may pack too much information into a component. This is a fine starting point, but as you progress you will get a better sense of how to minimize component code.

Think back to the Post component from the intro's class.


Components should increase cohesion and reduce coupling. Behavior in one component should not impact the behavior of another. In other words, components should not rely on one another.

But they should compliment one another, just like our Comment component did for Post in the intro's class.


Components should be written in a way that reduces the duplication of code. Reusability keeps things DRY!


Ideally, components should be short and condensed.


Because the same input will always produce the same output, components are easily unit testable.

You do - Checkout React Todo (0:05 / 0:15)

Before we can checkout the react todo app, we need to grab up our backend that will serve up our todos:

$ git clone [email protected]:ga-wdi-exercises/react-todo-api.git
$ cd react-todo-api
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
$ rails s -p 4000

This api needs to be served on port 4000 because when we run our react application it defaults to port 3000.

Now lets grab the react todo app:

$ git clone [email protected]:ga-wdi-exercises/react-todo.git
$ npm install
$ npm start

Now go to http://localhost:3000 and play with the site!

After we've played with the site for a bit, take a look at the code base. Start at src/index.js. In that file, we can see that it uses another file config/routes.js. Don't worry too much about understanding all the specific syntax just get a good overview of the code base.

Code Review in Comments - Pair Up! (0:15 / 0:30)

Pair up!

As you both progress from one file to another and scan through the code base, write down in-line comments of what you think that particular piece of code is doing. You don't have to write a comment for every line, but at least one for each function/method

Some things you should consider/do during code review:

  • How is the application CRUD'ing the data?
  • What is the application's point of entry?
  • Are any components reused? Which one/ones?
  • How is state being passed from parent components to their children?
  • How is state being passed from child component to it parents? (this is tough!)
  • Make use of a console.log() if you are not sure what data some variable is holding, or when a method is executing.

while changing the app, if the code breaks, just do a $ git checkout -- . to get back to the original code base

React Todo

Alright it's time to build! We're going to be building this application from scratch! It won't be exactly like the repo above, but it'll be pretty close and follow much of the same structure.

If you get behind, all code written today will be in the lesson plan. Additionally the repo you code reviews contains most of the same code. So please keep questions pertinent to content rather then debugging specific errors you may be getting. Should also note that some of the code snippets will be repetitions to reiterate points of learning. Some of them might just be updates to existing files. Some of them might be brand new content you have to add all of.

Getting Started

Close down the react app you have running currently. Next, let's create the react app.

$ create-react-app my-react-todo
$ cd my-react-todo
$ npm start

Now, if we navigate to localhost:3000 we will see the boilerplate create-react-app React application.

First Step - Hello World (0:10 / 0:40)

Get rid of things we won't use

Let's remove the following files from the src folder:

$ rm src/App.css
$ rm src/App.test.js
$ rm src/logo.svg

you could also remove the favicon, just make sure you remove the reference to it from index.html as well

Then replace the return block inside src/App.js with a header of Hello World. The whole file should look like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>Hello World</h1>

export default App;

Hooray for automatic rerendering on save! If we just switch over to our browser we'll automatically see our updates.

React Router (0:45 / 0:55)

We're going to use React Router today to introduce it as a concept. However, it isn't strictly necessary for this application. We're really just going for exposure here. There's a lot to learn about react router and we'll just be scratching the surface. If you want to dive deeper, checkout this tutorial

We need React Router in the same way that we needed angular routers. We need a way to link to various urls to components in our application. Because our application will be a SPA, we still want to preserve different application-states via the url. This Todo app's application-states (not to be confused with component state) will just be the root url and a url to all todos(/ and /todos)

Creating Routes

It's great, Routes are just react Components as well! Let's start by installing the react-router dependency, making a config folder and a routes.js file that will contain our routes:

$ npm install react-router --save
$ mkdir src/config
$ touch src/config/routes.js

Let's fill in the contents our routes.js file:

import React from 'react'
import {Route} from 'react-router'
import App from '../App'

module.exports = (
  <Route path='/' component={App}/>

All we've done here is added some dependencies as well as added our App component to this file. Then we used the Route component, given to us by react-router to create a route for the root path('/'). We also establish that the component that should be rendered here is the App component we defined earlier.

Something that's weird is that we imported React from 'react' but then we imported {Route} from 'react-router'. What's with the curly braces? In the latter case we're actually only importing a specific module of the react-router and name spacing it within Route If we had omitted the curly's it would have grabbed all of react-router functionality. Check out the react router source code and we can clearly see the Route is a module within react-router

Great, we've defined out routes, but it's not going to do anything because nothing knows about this file yet. Let's update our index.js to use a Router now instead of just rendering the App Component. In index.js:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import {Router, browserHistory} from 'react-router'
import routes from './config/routes.js'

  <Router routes={routes} history={browserHistory}/>,

In this file, we're using the Router component to specify what react should render. We pass in some properties to this Router component: routes, the file we just defined prior, and browserHistory.

We've just gone over routes.js but not browserHistory.

In a nutshell, a history knows how to listen to the browser's address bar for changes and parses the URL into a location object that the router can use to match routes and render the correct set of components.

Great, we should now be able to see hello world show up!

Break (0:10 / 1:05)

A Simple Component (0:05 / 1:10)

Before we add another route, let's change the header to be more applicable and make it its own component.

In src/App.js:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Header from './components/Header.js'

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <Header />

export default App;

This will immediately error our code base out, why? (ST-WG)

That's right, we don't actually have that folder let alone the file within it. Let's create those things and define our component within it.

$ mkdir src/components
$ touch src/components/Header.js

In src/components/Header.js:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {Link} from 'react-router'

class Header extends Component{
    return (
        <h1><Link to={'/todos'}>React Todos</Link></h1>

export default Header

In this file, we've grabbed some dependencies and stored them in variables and then defined a component. The Link component is exactly what you think it is, a link to another route. You can think of it as data-ui-sref in angular or even an href in plain 'ol HTML

Awesome! We now have a header showing up! Let's click on the link.

Warning: [react-router] Location "/todos" did not match any routes

This warning makes sense, our config/routes.js only has a reference to '/' and nothing else. We'll fix that by adding the first parts of our app's main functionality. But before that... let's talk about containers.

Containers (0:20 / 1:30)

As we first start to write this container, its going to seem like just another component. Remember that React components should be FIRST: focused, independent, reusable, small, and testable. In order to help keep components slim, a good practice is to move as much of the business logic surrounding a component's state to a container component. We're going to put all that logic in this container. It will start out very similarly to our Header component, but end up much more complex.

Let's start by creating a containers folder and then the container file:

$ mkdir src/containers
$ touch src/containers/TodosContainer.js

In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

class TodosContainer extends Component {
    return (
      <div className='todosContainer'>
        <h2>This is the todos container</h2>

export default TodosContainer

Then we just have to update the routes in src/config/routes.js:

import TodosContainer from '../containers/TodosContainer'

module.exports = (
  <Route path='/' component={App}>
    <Route path='/todos' component={TodosContainer}/>

If we click on it we should totally see ..... nothing still. But no error now! Because our /todos is nested within our '/' route, our App Component needs to know what to render. We do this by adding one line of code to our src/App.js:

render() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Header />

Great everything works!


Everything up to this point, is most of what you need to know about using react for a website NOT using a back end. Just add css through index.css and you're good to go!

Fetching Data (0:30 / 2:00)

React actually isn't as full featured as say AngularJS or BackboneJS. It relies on third party libraries to fetch data. Today, we'll be using a library called Axios, a promise based HTTP client for the browser and node. Let's install the module now and also create the folder/file that will contain our database logic:

$ npm install axios --save
$ mkdir src/models
$ touch src/models/Todo.js

Now in src/models/Todo.js:

import axios from 'axios'

class TodoModel {
  static all(){
    let request = axios.get("http://localhost:4000/todos")
    return request

export default TodoModel

The Axios API is awesome! It's pretty intuitive! When we use the all method on our TodoModel, it will make a get request to our API for all todos. We return the request so that we can chain promises to it.

Note also that all() is a static method. What does this mean? A static method can be called without there being an instance of the class containing the static method. This will allow us to call all() in the following way (without instantiating the class with new):

let todos = TodoModel.all()

Does this type syntax look familiar at .all? If not, think back to Rails, where in a Todo app, we call the class method .all:

@todos = Todo.all

Class methods don't require an instance of the class in order to be called, but an instance method does. More on Static Methods in JavaScript

We can't really test out the code in this file in isolation, so we must import it into our application in order to test it. The logical place to import this code is in the TodosContainer component.

For now, let's toss this in the TodosContainer's render() method: this isn't ultimately going to be where we want to call TodoModel.all(), but for testing purposes, it will suffice.

In components/TodosContainer.js:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import TodoModel from '../models/Todo'

class TodosContainer extends Component {
    TodoModel.all().then( (res) => {
    return (
      <div className='todosContainer'>
        <h2>This is a todos container</h2>

export default TodosContainer

Awesome, we can see the response from our database as soon as the page loads, we know it's working! However, its completely in the wrong spot and we don't have anything we're passing todos to... yet!

Now that we can get our data, let's code how we present that data. It'll be a bit before we connect these pieces and actually see our todos in our app, but just hold on we'll get there!

Break (0:10 / 2:10)

Rendering A Todo (0:20 / 2:30)

Let's start at the bottom and bubble up. It'll be nice if each todo we're its own component. To follow FIRST(Focused Independent Reusable Small Testable). Let's create src/components/Todo.js and put the following in it:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

class Todo extends Component {
      <p data-todos-index={}>

export default Todo

When we write this component we know that if we pass it a todo, as a prop, that has both an id and a body, that it will render. AND it will render the same way every time. So what will be rendering each individual Todo component?

Rendering Todos

We need another component. Its responsibility will be to render all of the todos. Let's create another component src/components/Todos.js and fill it with the following:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import Todo from './Todo'

class Todos extends Component {
    let todos = (todo) => {
      return (
      <div className="todos">

export default Todos

In this component, we have a property called todos. When we eventually use this component, we need to pass it that property. Once we have our todos, it takes each one and maps a Todo component to the variable todos. Then renders all of the todos. We can use the map function to render multiple components for each individual todo and store them in a variable. We just need to make sure we bind this in case we need to access properties from the Todos component later.

Putting it all together, at last! Todos

Let's shove the remaining code we need in and then let's talk about it. In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import TodoModel from '../models/Todo'
import Todos from '../components/Todos'

class TodosContainer extends Component {
    this.state = {
      todos: []
    TodoModel.all().then( (res) => {
      this.setState ({
        todo: ''
    return (
      <div className="todosComponent">
          todos={this.state.todos} />

export default TodosContainer

If we take a look at our browser now... BAM todos! What just happened....

  this.state = {
    todos: []

This is just like initialize in ruby(only a bit different). constructor() is basically a function that invokes when an instance of our class gets initialized. When we call super() were basically saying invoke the same constructor function that the React library defines for their constructor. In addition to that initialize a state for this component in which todos is a property and set its value as an empty array. We can then set the state any other time in our application using .setState().

  TodoModel.all().then( (res) => {
    this.setState ({
      todo: ''

This function leverages our model to retrieve our todos from our backend. In the promise of that request we set the state of this container component to have todos be the value returned from the response. Any time setState is invoked the component re-renders.



Every component in react undergoes a component lifecycle. There are several "hooks" throughout this lifecycle. You can think of hooks like events that we can trigger functionality on. componentDidMount is a reserved hook that happens after a component renders. There are many hooks, this is a great blog post that goes into much better detail of the lifecycle of a component.

You might be asking yourself: "Wait, why are we getting the data after the components already been rendered?" (Andy did too)

That's because a re-render will always happen because fetching data happens asynchronously. Here's the Facebook recommendation

Passing State from parents to children

How have we passed state? What do we mean by state with reference to a react component? The state of the TodosContainer is simple, the todos. How does each individual todo know about the todo they need to render? From the state of the most parent container, TodosContainer

If we take a look at the props being passed from one component to the next, we can clearly see the chain of how information was passed.

In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

  todos={this.state.todos} />

In src/components/Todos.js:

  let todos = (todo) => {
  return (

In src/components/Todo.js:

<p data-todos-index={}>

PAUSE - Why is this awesome?

We could stop the lesson here and take this knowledge and build lots of cool things with it. Most of the API's developers have access to are read-only. That said, if we know an endpoint to get data, we now know how to use React to display that data.

Creating Todos

We're going to want to create a component that handles the form for creating todos. Before we build this feature out, How can we pass state from a child component to a parent? The opposite is easy, because we're able to just pass properties to our child components. Child state to parent state is much more difficult because we can't pass properties like that. Its unidirectional. The answer? Callbacks.

Lets write this feature to shed some more light on it.

Let's create a file src/components/CreateTodoForm.js and fill it out with the following:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

class CreateTodoForm extends Component {
    //sets the initial state via the constructor! that's the constructor's job :)
    this.state = {
      todo: ''
    let todo = this.state.todo
      todo: ""
    return (
      <div className='createForm todoForm'>
        <h2>Create Todo Here!</h2>
        <form onSubmit={event => this.onFormSubmit(event)}>
            onChange={event => this.onInputChange(event)}
            placeholder='Write a todo here ...'
            value={this.state.todo} />
          <button type='submit'>Create Todo!</button>

export default CreateTodoForm

Whoa.. pauuuuseee. Let's take a look. First let's look at what we're rendering:

  return (
    <div className='createForm todoForm'>
      <h2>Create Todo Here!</h2>
      <form onSubmit={event => this.onFormSubmit(event)}>
          onChange={event => this.onInputChange(event)}
          placeholder='Write a todo here ...'
          value={this.state.todo} />
        <button type='submit'>Create Todo!</button>

We define the initial state of the form in the constructor.

Looks like a form. When it gets submitted we run a function (we're using es6 arrow function here to pass an anonymous function with an event argument). That function is the .onFormSubmit function defined in this component.

onSubmit is reserved JSX to define an event for form submission, almost identical to ng-submit in angular

Similarly when the input is changed we run .onInputChange.

Let's take a look at the onInputChange function first:


Basically whenever this input changes, we're going to set the state of this component to have a property of todo and it's value is whatever the input field's value is.


  let todo = this.state.todo
    todo: ""

First off, prevent the default action as form submission will cause a request to fire. Then instantiate a variable todo from the state. Lastly we also set the todo property of the state as an empty string. We skipped one line though, this.props.createTodo(todo) What does that tell us about where createTodo comes from?

It needs to be supplied from its parent component. Let's update the src/containers/TodosContainer.js so that we can successfully create todos:

In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

// At the top import the component
import CreateTodoForm from '../components/CreateTodoForm'

// adding rest of code to container, more code above
  let newTodo = {body: todo, completed: false}
  TodoModel.create(newTodo).then( (res) => {
    let todos =
  return (
    <div className="todosComponent">
        todos={this.state.todos} />

We see that we pass the createTodo function of THIS container component TO the CreateTodoForm component. We have to bind(this) so that this is bound to the container component.

In the actual createTodo function. We can see that we construct everything we need about a todo in an object and store it in a variable. We then pass that object to a .create method on our TodoModel that ... hasn't been defined yet. Let's define it now. In src/models/Todo.js:

static create(todo) {
  let request ="http://localhost:4000/todos", todo)
  return request

Using axios, we create the todo. In the promise, we fetch all the todos and set the state to encapsulates those todos from the response.

Backtrack - How did we pass state from child to parent?

Remember that in the submit event of the form, we used a function this.props.createTodo():

In src/components/CreateTodoForm:

  let todo = this.state.todo
    todo: ""

We pass createTodo from the container as props. In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

  return (
    <div className="todosComponent">
        onDeleteTodo={this.deleteTodo.bind(this)} />

The argument passed in at the CreateTodoForm level(child) was state from that component. And now it updates state at the TodosContainer level(parent)

Deleting Todos

Deleting will work similarly with regard to passing state. Let's update the Todo component to contain a UI with which to delete a todo. In src/components/Todo.js:

class Todo extends Component {
      <p data-todos-index={}>
          onClick={() => this.props.onDeleteTodo(this.props.todo)}>

We've added a span with an X in it. When it gets clicked it invokes the onDeleteTodo function defined on props. That means we need to pass .onDeleteTodo as props from the parent component of Todos. In src/components/Todos.js

let todos = (todo) => {
  return (

Looks like it's not defined here either but passed yet again from a parent container. Finally in the src/components/TodosContainer.js:

  TodoModel.delete(todo).then( (res)=>{
    let todos =
  return (
    <div className="todosComponent">
        onDeleteTodo={this.deleteTodo.bind(this)} />

Before we talk about the above code, lets look at what delete looks like in our TodoModel. In src/models/Todo.js:

static delete(todo){
  let request = axios.delete(`http://localhost:4000/todos/${}`)
  return request

The deleteTodo takes the todo, passed from the child Component of Todo up through a chain of references. It deletes it with axios. Upon deletion, all todos are grabbed from the container state and filters out the one deleted, updates the state to have only the remaining todos.

Editing and Updating Todos

Implementing Edit

In containers/TodosContainer.js:

  return (
    <div className='TodosContainer'>
      <h2>This is the Todos Container</h2>
        onDeleteTodo={this.deleteTodo.bind(this)} />
        createTodo={this.createTodo.bind(this)} />

Why would we add editingTodoId to the container? Why might the container be aware of a single todo ID, in the context of an edit?

In the components/Todos.js, add editingTodoId and onEditTodo to <Todo> props:

let todos = (todo) => {
  return (

In components/Todo.js

    if (this.props.editingTodoId ==={
      //if we see this console.log, we know that Todo-props are being
      // passed into TodosContainer, and being set as the
      // TodosContainer-state, and then trickling down as props to
      // the Todo component. WHATttttt argh
      // this is broken down below
      console.log(`${this.props.todo.body} is being edited`);
      <p data-todos-index={}>
        <span onClick={() => this.props.onEditTodo(this.props.todo)}>
          onClick={ () => this.props.onDeleteTodo(this.props.todo) }>

Phew! Now we can test out our props-flow by clicking on a todo and trigger a console.log.

Breaking it Down:

Trickling Down

In TodosContainer, a method called editTodo is setting the state of the <TodosContainer> component to include a property called editingTodoId. That state is then ultimately handed down to the <Todo> component. This state trickles down from <TodosContainer> to <Todo> as props.

Bubbling Up (and then Trickling Back Down again)

How are we passing in the corresponding todo id back up to TodosContainer? The TodosContainer-state is being updated with a particular todo id, which is a prop of the <Todo> component.

It's being passed an argument to a function that is defined in and trickles down from TodosContainer, to here, in components/Todo.js:

<span onClick={() => this.props.onEditTodo(this.props.todo)}>

Elsewhere, over in containers/TodosContainer.js:

  return (
    <div className='TodosContainer'>
      <h2>This is the Todos Container</h2>
        onDeleteTodo={this.deleteTodo.bind(this)} />
        createTodo={this.createTodo.bind(this)} />

This certainly the trickiest part of the lesson-- the rest is easy by comparison (still pretty tough, at first!).

Replacing the console.log with a Form for editing Todos

The next steps here involve composing a form in place of where we have that console.log in components/Todo.js.

You should replace it with something like this:

return (
    buttonName="Update Todo!"
    onTodoAction={this.props.onUpdateTodo} />

You will then have to both write that component and then import it into components/Todo.js. Refer to the file-tree in the example here.

Getting Started with implementing update:

In models/Todo.js add:

static update(todo){
  let request = axios.put(`http://localhost:4000/todos/${}`, {body: todo.body})
  return request

Think back to what we did for the other CRUD actions--we define some axios behavior in /models/Todo.js. Then we define a method in TodosContainer that will handle update behavior.

Then we make our way down from TodosContainer to Todos to Todo, with state trickling down as props.

Refer again to the example here.


Just like we used partials in Rails for forms, we have this same ability in React.

General Todo Form

Create Todo Form

Check out how a TodoForm is composed within the CreateTodoForm!

Updating Completion Status

You'll just need to make a simple modification to your fetchData() method to sort the to-dos.

You'll then need to add UI: a button or some element with an onClick that calls a function in TodosContainer that toggles completeness.


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