Mocking library for TypeScript inspired by
- Strongly typed
- IDE autocomplete
- Mock creation (
) (also abstract classes) - Spying on real objects (
) - Changing mock behavior (
) via:thenReturn
- return valuethenThrow
- throw an errorthenCall
- call custom method
- Checking if methods were called with given arguments (
etc. - for more flexible comparisiononce
etc. - allows call count verificationcalledBefore
- allows call order verification
- Resetting mock (
) - Capturing arguments passed to method (
) - Recording multiple behaviors
- Readable error messages (ex. 'Expected "convertNumberToString(strictEqual(3))" to be called 2 time(s). But has been called 1 time(s).')
npm install ts-mockito --save-dev
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// Getting instance from mock
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// Using instance in source code
// Explicit, readable verification
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// stub method before execution
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// prints three
// prints null, because "getBar(999)" was not stubbed
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// stub getter before execution
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// prints three
Syntax is the same as with getter values.
Please note, that stubbing properties that don't have getters only works if Proxy object is available (ES6).
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// Some calls
// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).once(); // was called with arg === 1 only once
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(2)).twice(); // was called with arg === 2 exactly two times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(between(2, 3))).thrice(); // was called with arg beween 2-3 exactly three times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(anyNumber()).times(4); // was called with any number arg exactly four times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(2)).atLeast(2); // was called with arg === 2 min two times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).atMost(1); // was called with arg === 1 max one time
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(4)).never(); // was never called with arg === 4
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let mockedBar:Bar = mock(Bar);
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
let bar:Bar = instance(mockedBar);
// Some calls
// Call order verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).calledBefore(mockedBar.getFoo(2)); // foo.getBar(1) has been called before bar.getFoo(2)
verify(mockedBar.getFoo(2)).calledAfter(mockedFoo.getBar(1)); // bar.getFoo(2) has been called before foo.getBar(1)
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).calledBefore(mockedBar.getFoo(999999)); // throws error (mockedBar.getFoo(999999) has never been called)
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
when(mockedFoo.getBar(10)).thenThrow(new Error('fatal error'));
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
try {
} catch (error:Error) {
console.log(error.message); // 'fatal error'
You can also stub method with your own implementation
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
when(mockedFoo.sumTwoNumbers(anyNumber(), anyNumber())).thenCall((arg1:number, arg2:number) => {
return arg1 * arg2;
// prints '50' because we've changed sum method implementation to multiply!
console.log(foo.sumTwoNumbers(5, 10));
You can reset just mock call counter
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// Some calls
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).twice(); // getBar with arg "1" has been called twice
// Reset mock
// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).never(); // has never been called after reset
Or reset mock call counter with all stubs
// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// Some calls
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // "one" - as defined in stub
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // "one" - as defined in stub
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).twice(); // getBar with arg "1" has been called twice
// Reset mock
// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).never(); // has never been called after reset
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // null - previously added stub has been removed
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
// Call method
foo.sumTwoNumbers(1, 2);
// Check first arg captor values
const [firstArg, secondArg] = capture(mockedFoo.sumTwoNumbers).last();
console.log(firstArg); // prints 1
console.log(secondArg); // prints 2
You can also get other calls using first()
, second()
, byCallIndex(3)
and more...
You can set multiple returning values for same matching values
const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // one
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // two
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // three
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // three - last defined behavior will be repeated infinitely
Another example with specific values
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
when(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).thenReturn('one').thenReturn('another one');
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // one
console.log(foo.getBar(2)); // two
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // another one
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // another one - this is last defined behavior for arg '1' so it will be repeated
console.log(foo.getBar(2)); // two
console.log(foo.getBar(2)); // two - this is last defined behavior for arg '2' so it will be repeated
Short notation:
const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// You can specify return values as multiple thenReturn args
when(mockedFoo.getBar(anyNumber())).thenReturn('one', 'two', 'three');
const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // one
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // two
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // three
console.log(foo.getBar(1)); // three - last defined behavior will be repeated infinity
Possible errors:
const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
// When multiple matchers, matches same result:
const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
foo.getBar(3); // MultipleMatchersMatchSameStubError will be thrown, two matchers match same method call
You can mock abstract classes
const mockedFoo: SampleAbstractClass = mock(SampleAbstractClass);
const foo: SampleAbstractClass = instance(mockedFoo);
You can also mock generic classes, but note that generic type is just needed by mock type definition
const mockedFoo: SampleGeneric<SampleInterface> = mock(SampleGeneric);
const foo: SampleGeneric<SampleInterface> = instance(mockedFoo);
You can partially mock an existing instance:
const foo: Foo = new Foo();
const spiedFoo = spy(foo);
console.log(foo.getBar(3)); // 'one'
console.log(foo.getBaz()); // call to a real method
You can spy on plain objects too:
const foo = { bar: () => 42 };
const spiedFoo = spy(foo);;
console.log(capture(; // [42]
- Szczepan Faber (
- Sebastian Konkol (
- Clickmeeting (
- Michał Stocki (
- Łukasz Bendykowski (
- Andrey Ermakov (
- Markus Ende (
- Thomas Hilzendegen (