Console app for injecting values or the value of environment variables into .NET config files.
Can be used to inject...
- App settings
- Database connection strings
- WCF client endpoint addresses
Injector 1.1.1
Copyright c 2018 SEP, Inc
-a, --app_setting Whether or not this is an app setting injection.
-c, --connection_string Whether or not this is a connection string injection.
-w, --wcf_client_endpoint Whether or not this is a WCF client endpoint injection.
-e, --environment_value Whether or not VALUE is an environment variable. If it is, the value will be pulled from the environment named by VALUE.
-j, --json_path Whether or not VALUE is a json path ( If it is, the value will be the result of querying the JSON
file specified by 'json_path'.
--envFile Path to a ".env" file (or other filename).
--json_file Path to a JSON file for use in conjunction with '-j' or '--json_path'.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
config file path (pos. 0) Required. config file path
connection string name (pos. 1) Required. name of element to inject (app setting key, connection string name, or WCF client endpoint name)
value (pos. 2) Required. the value to be injected OR name of environment variable to use when injecting (combined with -e option)
Injector.exe --app_setting path/to/App.config LoggingEnabled true
or from environment variable
Injector.exe --environment_value -app_setting path/to/App.config LoggingEnabled APP_LOGGING_ENABLED
or from JSON file
Injector.exe --json_path --json_file=example.json --app_setting path/to/App.config LoggingEnabled "$.[?(@.key=='ProductionLogging')].value"
for JSON file:
# example.json
"key": "ProductionLogging",
"value": "false"
"key": "StagingLogging",
"value": "true"
"key": "DebugLogging",
"value": "true"
This updates the LoggingEnabled
app setting in the following App.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- snip -->
<add key="LoggingEnabled" value="..." />
<!-- snip -->
Note: Here are some resources for the JSONPath mentioned above (as specified by the j
- - A live evaluator
- - Some documentation of the specification
Injector.exe -c path/to/App.config DatabaseServer "Data Source=host;Initial Catalog=database;User ID=username;Password=$3cr$t;"
or from environment variable
Injector.exe -e -c path/to/App.config DatabaseServer DB_CONN_STR
This updates the DatabaseServer
connection string in the following App.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- snip -->
<add name="DatabaseServer" connectionString="..." />
<!-- snip -->
Injector.exe -w path/to/App.config MasterEndpoint net.tcp://localhost:5000/services/ping;
or from environment variable
Injector.exe -e -w path/to/App.config MasterEndpoint ENDPOINT_STR
This updates the service client enpoint with name MasterEndpoint
in the following App.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- snip -->
<endpoint name="MasterEndpoint" bindingConfiguration="MasterTcpEndPoint" address="ADDRESS TO REPLACE" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="IMasterEndpoint" />
<!-- snip -->
is also available via NuGet:
PM> Install-Package Injector Or visit:
Injector is supported by SEP: a Software Product Design + Development company. If you'd like to join our team, don't hesitate to get in touch!