WitnessOnChain is a witness/oracle service for blockchain smart contract.
need set 3 environment variables.
- listen address
- private key P
- private key Q
- docker
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
- normal web API,
$ go build -v -o witnessonchain main.go
$ export PINT=4500086422777284614649185698080302158559082854283623085071286437702609134945108376498504441947235804413771973268603081955797477873992855707579719874199
$ export QINT=644767523354888926443294407216811496298090339710859618436800524594486048803150814665399137334438348620190687521269075965377327693448171249204212488583
$ LISTEN=:8000 ./witnessonchain
- aws lambda
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o witnessonchain aws/main.go
$ zip main_aws.zip witnessonchain
- tencent serverless cloud function
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o witnessonchain scf/main.go
$ zip main_scf.zip witnessonchain
Returns greeting messages and public keys of WitnessOnChain service.
- HTTP 200 OK
Keys | Type | Description |
message | string | Greeting message |
contact | string | Contact information |
public_key/rabin | string | Rabin public key of WitnessOnChain, little endian hex string, represents an integer |
"message":"Welcome to WitnessOnChain!",
"contact":"[email protected]",
- HTTP 404 Not Found
- HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Returns Unix timestamp and UTC time string.
- HTTP 200 OK
Keys | Type | Description |
timestamp | int | Unix timestamp in 10 digits |
utc | string | UTC time string in format like "2021-06-23 16:13:07" |
digest | string | Signed message in hex string: 4 bytes timestamp little endian represents an integer |
signatures/rabin/public_key | string | Rabin public key of WitnessOnChain, little endian hex string, represents an integer |
signatures/rabin/signature | string | Rabin signature of digest, little endian hex string, represents an integer |
signatures/rabin/padding | string | Rabin signature padding, little endian hex string |
"utc":"2021-07-12 06:58:55",
- HTTP 400 Bad Request
- HTTP 404 Not Found
- HTTP 500 Internal Server Error