Use AWS SNS Service and Nodejs/Express4.x
Easy to use, steps:
Clone the code, modify routes/index.js, substitute the [YOUR XXX] to yours.
Add topic in the AWS,, like demo_sns, you will get Topic ARN: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:237689230225:demo_sns
Put the code to server you had, execute: npm start, then visit the site from Browser, you will get the log like below:
root@iZ28jcpiof0Z:~/subscribe/myapp# npm start [email protected] start /root/subscribe/myapp node ./bin/www
GET / 304 4625.617 ms - - { ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: '64c4f641-aceb-56p7-87ba-bag82b4e8c3d' }, SubscriptionArn: 'pending confirmation' } POST / 200 4.461 ms - - GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 96.106 ms - 110
- Publish message from AWS console, you will get the log like below.
POST / 200 1.104 ms - - TestMessage