1. Name of the project:
Database Design Final Project - Recipes
2. Name of the team:
Team 11
3. Team members and sections:
Raymond Eah(section 4), Duo Hong(section 4), Jinyu Liu(section 4), Samuel Wang(section 4)
4. Brief description of the project:
In this project, our goal is to design and implement a normalized database in the domain of food. We will also implement a web user interface that allows CRUDing of object models
5. Link to the latest data model (UML class diagaram):
6. Description of user data model:
A user is represented with a first name, last name, username, password, email, and date of birth.
7. Description of domain object data models:
recipe: a recipe is represented with a title, a set of instructions, and a category ingredient: an ingredient is represented by its name.
8. Description of user to domain object relationship:
User/Recipe: Each user can write many recipes. A recipe is written by 1 user. If a user is removed, then so are their related recipes.
9. Description of domain object to domain object relationship:
Recipe/Ingredient: A recipe can have many ingredients, and an ingredient can be used in many recipes. A recipe must have at least 1 ingredient. If a recipe is deleted, all ingredients used in that recipe will not be deleted.
10. Description of portable enumeration:
Every recipe has a category. A category can be one of: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack.
11. Description of user interface requirements
User List: displays a list of all users
User Editor: displays a particular user for editing or allows for creating a new user. Also allows for navigation to all recipes written by that particular users.
Recipe List: displays a list of all recipes
Recipe Editor: displays a particular recipe for editing or allows for creating a new recipe. Also allows for navigation to all ingredients used in that particular recipe as well as the author of that recipe.
Ingredient List: displays a list of all ingredients
Ingredient Editor: displays a particular ingredient for editing or allows for creating a new ingredient. Also allows for navigation to all recipes that use that particular ingredient.
12. Link to Live Server