My name is Sebastian Seggewiss, I'm a software developer. Open-source is really close to my heart and I am always looking for new projects I can support.
Feel free to check out what I have been doing recently!
- shopware/jest-preset-sw6-admin - Jest Test preset for Shopware 6 administration unit tests (1 day ago)
- shopware/shopware - Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions (2 days ago)
- shopware/recipes - Flex Recipes (4 days ago)
- shopware/administration - (1 week ago)
- shopware/core - (1 week ago)
- shopware/docs - Shopware 6 developer docs (1 month ago)
- shopware/acceptance-test-suite - Acceptance test suite based on Playwright. (3 months ago)
- shopware/meteor - Meteor is Shopware’s open-source design system that drives our commerce solutions. Extend and customise every aspect of Shopware – create elegant, delightful, and accessible experiences. There are no limits to your imagination. (3 months ago)
- shopware/storefront - (3 months ago)
- shopware/jest-preset-sw6-admin (v6.0.0, 1 day ago) - Jest Test preset for Shopware 6 administration unit tests
- shopware/acceptance-test-suite (v11.6.0, 1 day ago) - Acceptance test suite based on Playwright.
- shopware/SwagPayPal (8.6.5, 2 weeks ago) - PayPal integration for shopware/platform
- shopware/SwagExtensionStore (3.1.1, 3 weeks ago) - The integrated Shopware Store for Shopware 6
- shopware/shopware (v6.6.9.0, 2 months ago) - Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions
- shopware/meteor (@shopware-ag/[email protected], 4 months ago) - Meteor is Shopware’s open-source design system that drives our commerce solutions. Extend and customise every aspect of Shopware – create elegant, delightful, and accessible experiences. There are no limits to your imagination.
- shopware/e2e-testsuite-platform (8.0.1, 6 months ago) - This package contains the e2e platform test suite for Shopware 6 using Cypress
- shopware/meteor-admin-sdk (4.0.3, 11 months ago) - The meteor-admin-sdk can be used by Shopware 6 apps and plugins. This library allows them to extend the administration with custom functionality.
- Twitter: @last__sgt