This example shows, how you can build an native Windows x64 DLL with F# that can be called from native C++ code.
Blog post which explains how it works: Writing a native library in F# which can be called from C++
The example is based on the C# version by Muhammad Azeez which can be found here: Writing native libraries in C#
First, the native library has to be build from the F# project NativeLib in the src folder. Switch to the NativeLib folder and run:
> dotnet publish /p:NativeLib=Shared -r win-x64 -c Release
This creates a native library under $(SolutionDir)src\NativeLib\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\win-x64\native
Now, you can build and run the Console C++ application in Visual Studio, which will use the NativeLib.dll written in F#.
The output will be:
Hello World!