A Django App for issuing invoices and shipments
It's a simple app which as an aim has to help small businesses to issue invoices and managed their shipments. You can easily implement it by hosting on platform like pythonanywhere.com or for example on your own ubuntu server (DigitalOcean, Alibaba cloud etc.)
- issuing invoices to our clients
- issuing a shipments which are connected to the invoice items (invoice items can be shipped in one or more shipments - depending on the situation of our stock)
- managing the state of our invoices (paid, unpaid, paid in %)
- while issuing a shipment one can only choose an item from the invoice that was already registered as paid (which prevents a user from sending an item which was not paid for)
This app is using a package called WeasyPrint, it enables us to generate a pdf from our invoice template.In order to use it on your machine you will need to install some pre-required packages on your computer (in case you are on Windows machine it might be a bit tricky) Please check out this documentation to see what you have to do step by step https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html