Display Sentry issues for user being viewed in Zendesk.
/app.js - Main logic for Zendesk app
/app.css - CSS that Zendesk will load for app
/manifest.json - Configuration file for app, also used by Zendesk
/assets - contains Sentry icon, required by Zendesk
/templates - where Zendesk loads handlebar templates from
/templates/layout.hdbs - Default Zendesk template, which all others are inserted into
/templates/issues.hdbs - Template for displaying issues for the current user
/templates/error.hdbs - Template to display when an error is received from API
/translations/en.json - mostly empty, required by Zendesk
The app is deployed by the admin but can be tested locally before it's deployed.
Use Zendesk tools to serve the local app in a way that the Zendesk interface can access. There's detailed instructions here on how to use their tools.
First, install the tools:
$ sudo gem install zendesk_apps_tools
If you get compilation errors on OS X, you may need to run this first (Choose install, you only need the command line tools, not all of Xcode):
$ xcode-select --install
Once installed, run the local development environment using
$ zat server
Add ?zat=true
to any Zendesk URL. For example:
When the page loads, the right corner of the URL bar will have a little shield telling you it prevented unsafe scripts from loading. Press the Load Unsafe Scripts
button and the page will reload again with your app.
Covered more here
$ zat package
This will spit out a zip file. You'll upload the app as an admin: Admin -> Apps -> Manage -> Upload App.