The interactive grading packages require installation from github. Before attempting the tutorials, you will need to install learnr
and gradethis
To install these, you can run the following lines of code in the R console:
The following is a list of additional CRAN packages that are currently used, as well as their purpose:
library(tidyverse) #data manipulation
library(ggplot2) #visualization features
library(plotly) #interactive plots
library(psych) #PCA functions
library(chemometrics) #mahalanobis distance test
library(tidyverse) #data manipulation
library(plotly) #visualization features
library(ggplot2) #visualization features
library(shiny) #interactive plots
library(ggalt) #additional plot features
library(kmodR) #k-means simultaneous outlier detection
library(cluster) #clustering algorithms
library(factoextra) #clustering visualization
library(dendextend) #dendrograms visualization
library(fpc) #computing density based clustering
library(dbscan) #computing density based clustering
library(tidyverse) #data manipulation
library(tidyverse) #data manipulation
library(tidyverse) #data manipulation
library(dbscan) #computing density based clustering
library(fpc) #computing density based clustering
library(ggrepel) #geom labels
library(kableExtra) #table layout
library(knitr) #Markdown
library(lme4) #Mixed effects models
library(maps) #Maps
library(MuMIn) #Mixed effects variance
library(psych) #PCA functions
library(shiny) #everything