scripts for backing up magicmirror config and module github urls and using that to restore at a later time
these scripts will save the config.js , custom.css and the list of installed modules (and where they are loaded from (github urls) into a git repo, so they can be versioned and uploaded to a ===>private<=== github repository if you wish to use github and never have, see below for how to get the required access token
the restore script takes the info saved and copies back the config.js, custom.css and re-installs each module
it assumes a new MagicMirror install has been completed
both scripts support help with -h
and parms for where the MagicMirror folder is -s , default $HOME/MagicMirror
and the name of the backup folder, -b , default $HOME/MM_backup
one can execute the scripts directly from here
bash -c "$(curl -sL" with any parms
help for backup is
./ -h
./ takes optional parameters
-s MagicMirror_dir
default $HOME/MagicMirror
-b backup_dir
default $HOME/MM_backup
-m backup_message
any message (in quotes) that you would like to attach to this change for later info
default none
-p auto push to github (will need repo name, username, user password or token
default false
-r github_repository_name (reponame)
default output of git remote -v (if set)
-r overrides the git remote setting
-u github_username
default none
-e users_email_address
default none
bash -c "$(curl -sL" with any parms
help for restore is
./ -h
./ takes optional parameters
-s MagicMirror_dir
default $HOME/MagicMirror
-b backup_dir
default $HOME/MM_backup
-f [tag_number]
fetch/clone repo and restore latest, or optional tag_number
-r github repository name (reponame)
default output of git remote -v (if set)
-r overrides the git remote setting
-u github username
default none
on backup, each collection of files is given a label, called a tag in git. for this application the tag is a number, starting at 1
by default list-tags will use the $HOME/MM_backup folder name
help for list_tags is
./ -h
./ takes optional parameters
-b backup_dir
default $HOME/MM_backup
bash -c "$(curl -sL" ??
on github, select your profile
select password and authentication
select developer settings
personal access tokens
classic token
you will use this string for your password on the command prompt for the git password
Note: github will NOT SHOW you this token again. so if you forget it, you have to generate a new token