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Understanding GitHub Actions triggers

This repository is an attempt to better understand the details of triggering GitHub Actions events.

How can I ...?

Quickly set up GHA without reading all of this?

It depends on how many builds you want to run. Do you have a limited GHA budget for the repo in question?

WARNING: Merge queues throw a wrench into the previous advice. These recommendations have been updated accordingly. See further down for more detail.


This is nice if your builds aren't limited: it'll check every pushed commit, as well as the proposed merge for each pull request. If you push a commit before the workflows finish, it'll cancel the one checking the proposed merge (since that's no longer the active proposal) but it'll continue the check on the previously-pushed commit. Merge queue checks are treated separately, and won't be canceled by other activity.


  group: ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ || github.head_ref || github.ref }}


You might want this if you'd like to limit builds as much as possible but maintain safety around your main branch(es). This will only check pushes and pull requests that target your main branch. New workflows will cancel old ones for the same branch or PR. Merge queue checks are treated separately, and won't be canceled by other activity. (It would be nice to cancel PR merge checks in favor of merge queue checks, but that doesn't appear to be possible.)

      - main
      - main

  group: ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}

Run a workflow on push and pull request events without duplicates?

I want to run a build-and-test workflow in what seems like two categories of events:

  • A commit is pushed to any branch
  • Something changes affecting the merge result of a pull request:
    • A pull request is opened
    • A commit is pushed to the PR branch
    • The PR target branch is updated

Early on, I tried something like this:


Note that pull_request: without any filters is equivalent to pull_request: [opened, reopened, synchronize].

This achieves the goal as stated! However, if you push a commit to a branch corresponding to an open PR, the workflow runs twice: once for the push event and once for the pull request event. Depending on the situation, this could be fine, but it might be expensive or otherwise undesirable.

The most common advice I've seen is to put a branch filter on the push event, like this:

      - main

That may be fine or even preferable in many cases, but I want build-and-test feedback on all branches, not just main.

Consulting the information recorded below, here are the events that should trigger the workflow:

User action Event(s)
Push to a branch push
Open a pull request pull_request_target/opened, pull_request/opened
Push to a pull request branch push, pull_request_target/synchronize, pull_request/synchronize

One interesting subtlety is that the proposed merge commit -- the commit most interesting to build and test -- is only available in the github.sha field of pull_request events.

The github.sha in the push event is the commit that was pushed, and the github.sha in the pull_request_target event is the base branch commit.

It could also be interesting to build and test the branch by itself, without merging. That commit is available in the github.sha field of the push event, and in the github.event.after field of the pull_request and pull_request_target events.

If we want to test both, it's easy: we should run the workflow on both push events to test the branch as-is, and on pull_request events to test the merge result. In both cases, we want to build and test the commit from the github.sha field, which is normal GHA behavior.

If we only want to test the merge, that's more difficult but still possible. We already established that we need to run the workflow on pull_request events, since that's the only way to get the merge commit. But what do we do about push events? How do we run on push to a branch unless that branch is the head of an open PR? The push event doesn't include any information indicating that the commit or branch is the head of a PR.

Concurrency groups to the rescue! A later workflow run can cancel an earlier one if their concurrency groups match. This only happens with queued workflows by default, but if cancel-in-progress is set to true, it will also cancel workflows that are already running.

There are two convenient ways to do that. One way is to use github.sha from the push event and github.event.after from the pull_request event, but that feels a bit like lying: the pull_request event will "win" but isn't actually running on the commit named in the concurrency group. The other way is to use the branch name: that's github.ref_name (not github.ref!) in the push event and github.head_ref in the pull_request event.

All things considered, I have two recommendations for this scenario:

  1. You can run the workflow on "either" push or pull_request events by running on both and using something like ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }} for your concurrency group. That'll force a PR's proposed merge commit to take precedence. Optionally, filter push, pull_request, or both events to specific branches.
  2. Consider actually running on both events, since they're not actually testing the same thing: the push event tests the branch by itself, and the pull_request event tests the result of the proposed merge. In that case, you could use something like ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.ref }} or ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.head_ref || github.sha }} as your concurrency group.

Run a workflow on push, pull request, and merge queue checks without duplicates?

The recommendation above, configuring the workflow to run on both push and pull_request events with a concurrency group like ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.head_ref || github.sha }}, does not work as expected if the same workflow also handles merge_group events. The push event will cancel the merge_group event, which sets up a race condition: if GitHub checks the status after that cancellation but before the merge_group workflow registers itself, then the cancellation will be considered a failure and the merge will be evicted from the queue. Oops!

The best solution is to use a different concurrency group for the merge_group event. Here's the ideal goal:

  • For push events, use a unique concurrency group for each commit.
  • For pull_request events, use a unique concurrency group for each PR. Newer pull_request events for a PR should cancel older ones for the same PR.
  • For merge_group events, use a unique concurrency group for each PR (but different from the pull_request group). Newer merge_group events for a PR should cancel older ones for the same PR.
  • It's NOT acceptable for push events to cancel merge_group events. (It might be acceptable for merge_group events to cancel push events, but I'm not sure. I haven't yet set up a test for this.)

Good candidates for each:

  • push events: github.sha,
  • pull_request events: github.ref, github.ref_name, github.event.pull_request.head.ref, github.event.pull_request.html_url
  • merge_group events: Hmmmmm...

Unfortunately, the merge_group event doesn't include anything quite like what we need. The closest options are github.ref, which is the same as github.event.merge_group.head_ref, and github.ref_name, which is similar. These vary with both the PR and target branch head commit SHA, since the target head SHA is part of the temporary branch name. At least it's not quite as unique as github.sha.

By the way, this also means that if, for example, PR1 is in the queue before PR2, and PR1 fails so PR2 gets a new merge commit, the old PR2 workflow is difficult to cancel. See here for a somewhat heavy solution:

Anyway, given the candidates above, I recommend flipping it all around. Treat push as the unique situation, and use head_ref for "all the other" events. Unfortunately, pull_request and merge_group put their head_ref values in different places... fortunately(?) that place is ref for merge_group, which is a reasonable fallback for other events. All together, that leads to something like this:


  group: ${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ || github.head_ref || github.ref }}

Generated workflows

Most of the GHA workflows in this repository are generated using the script. See the script for more details.

Data received by workflows

Common properties

github property Type Value
repository string "<owner>/<repo>"
repository_owner string "<owner>"
repository_visibility string "public" or "private"
event_path string "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow/event.json"
runner.os string Example: "Linux"
runner.arch string Example: "X64" (note the capital X) string Example: "GitHub Actions 5"
runner.environment string Example: "github-hosted"
runner.tool_cache string Example: "/opt/hostedtoolcache"
runner.temp string Example: "/home/runner/work/_temp"
runner.workspace string Example: "/home/runner/work/<repo>"
github.event property Type Value
repository object Repository info, including info to construct various URLs
sender object Info about the GitHub user (or app?) who triggered the event

Push to main branch

Push to main: push event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/main"
sha string Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "push"
ref_name string "main"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
after string Git SHA of the repo after the push = Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
before string Git SHA of the repo before the push
commits array Array of commit objects that were pushed
compare string URL to compare before and after the push
forced boolean Whether the push was forced
head_commit object Commit object of the head commit
pusher object Pusher object (name, email)
ref string "refs/heads/main"

Create an issue

Create an issue: issues-opened event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/main"
sha string Git SHA of the default branch
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "issues"
ref_name string "main"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "opened"
issue object Issue object
github.event.issue property Type Value
body string Body text for the issue
created_at string Timestamp of issue creation
number number Issue number
title string Title of the issue

Push a new branch

Caused by something like: git push --set-upstream origin example-branch

This triggers two events: first a create, then a push

Push a new branch: create event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/example-branch"
sha string Git SHA of the new branch
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "create"
ref_name string "example-branch"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
description null ?
master_branch string Example: "main"
pusher_type string "user"
ref string "example-branch"
ref_type string "branch"

Push a new branch: push event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/example-branch"
sha string Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "push"
ref_name string "example-branch"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
after string Git SHA of the branch after the push = Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
base_ref string "refs/heads/main"
before string "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
commits array []
created boolean true
deleted boolean false
forced boolean false
head_commit object Commit object of the branch head commit
pusher object Pusher object (name, email)
ref string "refs/heads/example-branch"

Open a pull request

In this case, the pull request from example-branch to main was opened with an assignee and a label, but no reviewers.

This triggered several workflows, in this order:

  1. pull_request_target with action assigned
  2. pull_request_target with action labeled
  3. pull_request_target with action opened
  4. pull_request_target (without an action filter)
  5. pull_request with action opened
  6. pull_request (without an action filter)
  7. pull_request with action assigned
  8. pull_request with action labeled

All of these receive a github.event containing the same pull_request object:

github.event.pull_request property Type Value
_links object Links to various PR-related resources
additions number Number of additions in the PR
assignee object User object of the primary assignee
assignees array Array of user objects of all assignees
base object Base branch object
body string Body text of the PR
changed_files number Number of files changed in the PR
commits number Number of commits in the PR
created_at string Timestamp of PR creation
deletions number Number of deletions in the PR
draft boolean Whether the PR is a draft
head object Head branch object
labels array Array of label objects. Each object includes a name, color, etc.
number number PR number
requested_reviewers array Array of user objects of requested reviewers

Open a pull request: pull_request_target events

All the pull_request_target workflows receive these github properties:

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/main"
sha string Git SHA of main
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "main"
event_name string "pull_request_target"
ref_name string "main"
ref_type string "branch"

The event with types: [assigned] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "assigned"
assignee object User object of the assignee
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

The event with types: [labeled] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "labeled"
label object Label object
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

The event with types: [opened] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "opened"
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

The event without an action filter receives the opened event.

Open a pull request: pull_request events

All the pull_request workflows receive these github properties:

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/pull/2/merge"
sha string Git SHA of the (proposed) PR merge commit
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "main"
event_name string "pull_request"
ref_name string "2/merge"
ref_type string "branch"

The event with types: [opened] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "opened"
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

The event without an action filter receives the opened event.

The event with types: [assigned] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "assigned"
assignee object User object of the assignee
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

The event with types: [labeled] receives:

github.event property Type Value
action string "labeled"
label object Label object
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

Change PR target branch

In this case, the PR was changed from main to another-base.

This triggered two workflows:

  1. pull_request_target with action edited
  2. pull_request with action edited

Change PR target branch: pull_request_target event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/another-base"
sha string Git SHA of the new base branch
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "another-base"
event_name string "pull_request_target"
ref_name string "another-base"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "edited"
changes object Changes object with a "base" property
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

Change PR target branch: pull_request event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/pull/2/merge"
sha string Git SHA of the new (proposed) PR merge commit
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "another-base"
event_name string "pull_request"
ref_name string "2/merge"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "edited"
changes object Changes object with a "base" property
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

Push to a pull request branch

In this case, I pushed a commit to example-branch while a PR was open, proposing to merge example-branch into another-base.

This triggered several workflows, in this order:

  1. push
  2. pull_request_target with no action filter
  3. pull_request_target with action synchronize
  4. pull_request with no action filter
  5. pull_request with action synchronize

All of these receive a github.event containing the same push object:

Push to a pull request branch: push event

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/example-branch"
sha string Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "push"
ref_name string "example-branch"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
after string Git SHA of the branch after the push = Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
base_ref string null
before string Git SHA of the branch before the push
commits array Array of commit objects that were pushed
compare string URL to compare before and after the push
forced boolean Whether the push was forced
head_commit object Commit object of the head commit
pusher object Pusher object (name, email)
ref string "refs/heads/example-branch"

Push to a pull request branch: pull_request_target events

Both pull_request_target workflows receive generally the same information:

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/another-base"
sha string Git SHA of the base branch (another-base)
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "another-base"
event_name string "pull_request_target"
ref_name string "another-base"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "synchronize"
after string Git SHA of example-branch after the push = Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
before string Git SHA of example-branch before the push
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

Push to a pull request branch: pull_request events

Both pull_request workflows receive generally the same information:

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/pull/2/merge"
sha string Git SHA of the (proposed) PR merge commit
head_ref string "example-branch"
base_ref string "another-base"
event_name string "pull_request"
ref_name string "2/merge"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "synchronize"
after string Git SHA of the branch after the push = Git SHA of the commit that was pushed
before string Git SHA of the branch before the push
number number PR number
pull_request object PR object (see above)

Merge a pull request through a merge queue

A merge queue can generate checks on commits other than the head and merge commits of a PR. Behind the scenes, GitHub creates a temporary branch to hold the merge result, then triggers the merge_group event on that branch. Of course, creating that branch also triggers other events, so depending on how the concurrency groups are set up, these events can cancel each other. If the merge_group event is canceled, that's considered a failure, causing the merge to be evicted from the queue.


  1. Create a rule set or classic branch protection rule:
    • Enable status checks and add at least one check (I used push.yml for this test)
    • Enable merge queues
  2. Add a 30-second sleep to merge_group-checks-requested.yml to make it take long enough to complicate merging
  3. Create two PRs (#7 and #8) targeting main
  4. Merge them both at about the same time

This created quite a few events. Note that the events were not quite exactly duplicated for the two PRs.

  1. pull_request-enqueued for PR #7
  2. pull_request-enqueued for PR #8
  3. merge_group for PR #7
  4. merge_group-checks-requested for PR #7
  5. merge_group for PR #8
  6. merge_group-checks-requested for PR #8
  7. push for the temporary branch for PR #7
  8. create for the temporary branch for PR #7
    • presumably this actually happened before the push, but this is how it was displayed in the event list!
  9. create for the temporary branch for PR #8
  10. push for the temporary branch for PR #8
  11. push for the target branch, associated with PR #8
  12. pull_request-closed for PR #7
  13. pull_request-closed for PR #8
  14. pull_request_target-closed for PR #8
  15. pull_request_target-closed for PR #7
  16. delete for the temporary branch for PR #8
  17. pull_request-dequeued for PR #7
  18. pull_request-dequeued for PR #8
  19. delete for the temporary branch for PR #7

A few observations:

  • The relative order of events related to the two PRs is not guaranteed.
  • The relative order of events related to each PR is, surprisingly, also not guaranteed.
  • There was no push event for the target branch associated with PR #7, even though it was merged.
  • The push events on the temporary branches happened after the merge_group events, so if they share a concurrency group, the push events will cancel the merge_group events. (This counts as a failure and can evict the merge from the queue!)

Select event details:

pull_request-enqueued for PR #8

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/pull/8/merge"
sha string Git SHA of a merge commit merging PR #8 into main
head_ref string the source branch name of PR #8
base_ref string "main"
event_name string "pull_request"
ref_name string "8/merge"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "enqueued"
number number PR number = 8
pull_request object PR object (see above)

merge_group for PR #7

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-7-d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8"
sha string Git SHA of the merge commit for this PR, which was later pushed to main = "061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "merge_group"
ref_name string "gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-7-d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "checks_requested"
merge_group object Merge group object (see below)
github.event.merge_group property Type Value
base_ref string "refs/heads/main"
base_sha string Git SHA of main (first parent of the merge commit) = "d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8"
head_commit object Commit object corresponding to head_sha
head_ref string "refs/head/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-7-d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8"
head_sha string Same as github.sha = "061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"

merge_group for PR #8

Note that for this event, github.ref does NOT end with the same hash as github.sha.

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
sha string Git SHA of the merge commit for PR #8 on top of PR #7, which was later pushed to main = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "merge_group"
ref_name string "gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
action string "checks_requested"
merge_group object Merge group object (see below)
github.event.merge_group property Type Value
base_ref string "refs/heads/main"
base_sha string Git SHA of PR #7's merge commit = "061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
head_commit object Commit object corresponding to head_sha
head_ref string "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
head_sha string Same as github.sha = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"

push for the temporary branch for PR #8

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
sha string Git SHA of the merge commit for PR #8 on top of PR #7, which was later pushed to main = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "push"
ref_name string "gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
after string Same as github.sha = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
before string "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
commits array Array containing the head_commit object
compare string URL to view commit "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
forced boolean false
head_commit object Commit object for "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
pusher object {"email": null, "name": "github-merge-queue[bot]"}
ref string "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-8-061c9387c245a237e608cffb69999a9e564d2ffa"

push to main associated with PR #8

github property Type Value
ref string "refs/heads/main"
sha string Git SHA of the merge commit for PR #8 on top of PR #7 = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
head_ref string "" (empty string)
base_ref string "" (empty string)
event_name string "push"
ref_name string "main"
ref_type string "branch"
github.event property Type Value
after string Same as github.sha = "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
before string Git SHA of main before the push = "d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8"
commits array Array containing the head_commit object
compare string URL to compare from "d49b56145b99c35fcabcbdc1293bfe4500a660f8" to "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
forced boolean false
head_commit object Commit object for "eaa88899f4e18417ab4ddf1e39ad9d7f10c92fc1"
pusher object {"email": null, "name": "github-merge-queue[bot]"}
ref string "refs/heads/main"


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