Check out Railscasts episode #337 for more info.
Uncomment gems
gem unicorn
gem capistrano
Create capfile
$ capify .
Copy recipes you need from this sample app in config/recipes (nginx, postgresql, unicorn, rbenv, etc...)
Copy Capfile from this app
Change name of the app and ip address where needed (deploy.rb)
Go get a server:
- Recommended setup: Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Server
SSH to server
$ ssh [email protected]
Create new user named deployer with admin privileges
$ adduser deployer --ingroup sudo
Give new user admin privileges
$ visudo
#User privileges
deployer ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Cap Install
$ cap deploy:install
Cap Setup
$ cap deploy:setup
Cap Deploy
$ cap deploy:cold
Future changes can be pushed with cap deploy
$ cap deploy
Run Rails Console on server
$ cap rails:console
Tail logs
$ cap tail