- Recommended plugins for vscode:
- rust analyzer
- prettier
- Clone the repo
- git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:scmscx/scmscx.com.git
- Install dependencies from your package manager:
- Install dependencies:
git clang npm cmake pkg-config libssl-dev zip unzip python3-yaml python3-dotenv podman rustup
- Install dependencies:
- Install rust
- Install podman-compose, a relatively recent version since many bugs have been fixed as of 2025-01-02
- Recommended plugins for vscode:
- rust analyzer
- prettier
- The line endings must be LF instead of CRLF.
- git clone --recurse-submodules --config core.autocrlf=false [email protected]:scmscx/scmscx.com.git
- WSL2 is required to build on windows. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
wsl.exe --list --online
wsl.exe --install Ubuntu
- The vscode plugin 'WSL' is very helpful.
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential git clang npm cmake pkg-config libssl-dev zip unzip python3-yaml python3-dotenv podman rustup
- Install rust:
rustup toolchain add stable
- Install podman-compose:
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/podman-compose https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman-compose/main/podman_compose.py && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/podman-compose
- use
make run
to run the backend + database - use
make dev
to run the front-end
Then you can view the website by going to http://localhost:8080