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er 301 set up

scanner-darkly edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

when a voice is mapped to an er-301 output, what is meant by "output" is a SC.CV / SC.TR pair. note pitches will be transmitted as SC.CV ports 1-8 and note gates will be output as SC.TR ports 1-8. additionally, volume is transmitted over SC.CV ports 17-24.

depending on which version of er-301 firmware you use you might need to change the i2c address:

  • switch to admin
  • go to system settings, scroll all the way down to teletype settings
  • and select 0xB1 or 0x31 address - this will correspond to SC.CV 1…100

if you have an older revision of er-301 you might need to do a mod to get i2c working. please refer to this page for more details:

a typical set up would be adding a sample unit and assigning SC.CV to 1V/Oct and using SC.TR to trigger a sample. to use volume add a limiter or a vca unit and control its volume with the volume SC.CVs. alternatively, you could set up a voice using an oscillator/vca/envelope combination.

when a pattern start is assigned to an er-301 output it will send a trigger to the corresponding SC.TR each time the pattern starts. in the future i will change it so that pattern starts are also always output on SC.TR ports 17-32. i will also add a couple of modulation parameters that will use additional SC.CVs so you could control the sample slice or filter cutoff etc.

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