This repo contains the friend links of all my articles published on websites
- Everything in software architecture is a trade-off.
- Why is more important than how.
From the book, Fundamentals of Software Architecture
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- Angular - Add dynamic data to your angular application running on GitHub pages
- Angular - Deploy your angular app to GitHub pages
- Auth Secure your App using casdoor (Go+Angular)
- Jenkins Gerrit - Test your unmerged patchstet before submitting
- Bazel Part 2 — Monitor your bazel builds using buildbuddy
- Tunnel Share your local web development globally using ngrok
- NATS 01 — Introduction to NATS — Messaging for your Go projects
- GitHub - 10 GitHub actions for your go project management
- GitHub - Add ssh signing to your git commits
- Golang - Mistake while implementing BATCH API
- Golang - How to protect from Slowloris attack on server with demo
- 🌳 Green Software Series 01 — Guide to green development and reduce carbon footprint
- Golang - Build Go container images using ko
- Golang - Build your Go service fast and correct using Bazel build system
- Golang - Detecting and fixing nil panics in golang
- Security - Permify — Authorization as a service
- Database - Introduction to DoltgreSQL — PostgreSQL-flavored version of Dolt
- Golang - what are linker flags a.k.a. ldflags
- Artifactory - jFrog 101 Guide
- VS Code - 10 Things to make VS Code more productive
- OpenSource - How gofeatureflag implemented auto completion for yaml files in VSCode
- Database DoltHub — Collaborate with forks, clones, and pull requests on your data
- Vault Unseal your Hashicorp vault manually and using cloud key store azure
- Database Dolt — A git like database powered by MySQL (OpenSource)
- Psychology & Software - Zeigarnik effect — Your profile is 72% complete
- Security - One Time Secret Sharing using cryptgeon
- Development - Complete guide for feature development process
- shell - dry_run for your commands
- Vault - Introduction to Hashicorp Vault
- Bash - Code snippets for everyday work — Keeps updating
- Terraform - Creating your first resource in Azure
- Security - Secure your Go apps using Trivy from aqua security ⚔️
- Windows - 10 essential software for your windows
- BDD - Helpful tools
- Terraform - Define your infra as code
- BDD - Documentation 📝 as a Code: Understanding the problem
- Golang - I am new to Behaviour Driven Development using Go
- Docker - Writing unit tests for your Dockerfile 🐳
- GitHub - How to set up a self hosted action runner
- GitHub - Introduction to git and GitHub
- GitHub - 5 special repositories to improve your and your organization profile
- GitHub Action - How to write your first github action and automate the task
- GoLang Adding FeatureFlags using github repo
- Why most of the courses, tutorials are not helpful? My struggles.
- Golang - How tagging works in golang?
- HTTP - Don’t use http.Get for check file existence on server
- OpenSource - Contributing to open source, how I started with go-feature-flag?
- Terminal - Top 10 things to make your linux terminal more productive
- MS Teams - Cannot Sign In to Microsoft teams Error code — signInRestriction:1
- Pulumi — Deliver infrastructure with high velocity and scale through software engineering
- Golang - How to use github for hosting self-updating binaries for your golang projects
- How to write unit tests using BATS (Bash Automated Testing System) for shell scripts and dockerfiles — Part 1