Ever wonder how houses are priced? Market forces work to reduce divergences between housing prices. However, sometimes, the process gets inefficient due to lack of speed in information circulation and inaccuracies in estimations. Using regression techniques to price the houses aim to address this issue. In this notebook, I aim to provide an example of how we can apply regression techniques to such a problem, end-to-end, Using EDA and feature engineering for building our model.
- Created number of advanced regression models that estimates House Prices to help customers get their dream house with accurate price.
There are over 80 features(columns) in dataset, which makes it a mammoth task. Features are Imputed by following:
- Median.
- Mode.
- Manual functions.
- Numerical variables.
- Categorical variables.
- Ordinal variables.
- Other variables.
- Due to the presence of outliers, used sklearn's RobustScaler since it is not affected by outliers.
Used sklearn Pipelines since they sequentially apply a list of transforms and a final estimator. Pipelines can be saved as pkl file for ease of access. It simpifies training code and improves readability.
- Stacking involves building a metamodel, that weighs our models' predictions together, to give our final predictions, used StackingCVRegressor for greater stability of results.
- Blending involves taking simple/weighted averages of our predictions to give our final predictions.
Ridge Regression Cross Validation Score: -0.020624477100858817
Lasso Cross Validation Score: -0.025771379440506597
ElasticNet Cross Validation Score: -0.0211354966632166
XGB Regression Cross Validation Score: -0.01687074227172932
LGB Regression Cross Validation Score: -0.01603367673085801