Reference project based on NodeJS-Advanced-Starter
Client - Sample App written in React - Redux to test out the APIs
API - Express framework
Auth - Google OAuth using Passport
Logging - Winston & Morgan for request and app logging
Caching - Redis cache as middlware
Data Store - MongoDB, Mongoose
Others - Use of async / await, common error handling, eslint, prettier config and precommit lint check
npm install or yarn // Install dependencies
npm run dev or yarn dev // Run Dev environment (starts up both client & API server)
npm run build or yarn build // Prod builds for both client and API server
Make sure Docker is installed and running
cd <your root source directory>
cd <your root source directory>/api
docker-compose up
client - http://localhost:3000/
api - http://localhost:5000 (not exposed in docker mode)
mongo - In Cloud