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Setup: Create a HTML5 Application in SAP HCP and Clone Github project

RenaldWittwer edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 1 revision

If you have successfully run through the setup of sapmentors/SITreg you can continue to setup the UI applications sapmentors/SITregParticipant and sapmentors/SITregOrganizer

The walkthrough is rougly the same for both applications. Thanks to the Blog of Raz Korn Want to use GitHub as your Project Repository with SAP Web IDE?

First create a HTML5 Application in SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit. In this case we name it "sitregparticipant".

HTML5 Applications

New Application

Create Application

In this case we don't want to use the repository of SAP HCP but the repository of Github. So goto Github, open Project sapmentors/SITregParticipants and copy the Clone URL.

Copy the Clone URL

Open the new SAP HCP HTML5 Application in Edit Mode. You will be prompted to maintain the Git repository Data. Don't use the prompted values, because we want to clone the Github project. Copy the Clone URL into the field "Link" and jump with Tab into the next field. It will be filled automaticlly.

Now you have only to provide your Github User and Password, thats it.

Connect Github Project

Clone this wiki locally