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Azure Data Explorer management, query and ingestion

build PowerShell Gallery LICENSE

PowerShellKusto is an abstraction over Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Data and Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Ingest, to simplify Azure Data Explorer management, query and ingestion.


The Module currently has the following cmdlets and more will be added in the future.

If you'd like to see a cmdlet for a specific task, please sumbit an Issue!

Main entry point for the cmdlets in this module and it's used to establish a connection with your Azure Data Explorer Cluster.

The available authentication methods are:

  • User prompt
  • System or User Managed Identity
  • Certificate via X509Certificate2 or Thumbprint
  • Secret
  • User and Application Access Token

Allows you to invoke management commands also known as control commands over an Azure Data Explorer Cluster.

Can be used to ingest local or blob storage files into a table on your Azure Data Explorer Cluster.

Similar to Invoke-KustoIngestFromStorage, but the source is Stream instead of a Path or URI.

Allows you to run Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries or T-SQL queries on a specified Database of your Azure Data Explorer Cluster.

Creates a new ClientRequestProperties object to manage the interaction between client and service. This object can be later on passed as argument to the request cmdlets: Invoke-KustoControlCommand, Invoke-KustoQuery, Set-KustoBatchingPolicy and Set-KustoIngestionMapping.

Creates a new object of type ColumnMapping, this object can be later on passed as argument to the New-KustoIngestionMapping cmdlet.

Creates a new object of type IngestionMapping that can be later on passed as argument to the Invoke-KustoIngestFromStorage, Invoke-KustoIngestFromStream and Set-KustoIngestionMapping commands.

Alters the Ingestion batching policy of a Database or specific Table on an Azure Data Explorer Cluster.

Creates or updates an ingestion mapping that can be associated with a specific format and a specific table or database.



The module is available through the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module PowerShellKusto -Scope CurrentUser


git clone ''
Set-Location ./PowerShellKusto


This module is compatible only with PowerShell v7.2.0 or above.


Contributions are welcome, if you wish to contribute, fork this repository and submit a pull request with the changes.