For getting the spot price, I chose the option #2: "Poll the Coinbase REST API with a 1 second interval".
Some Key Libraries and Framework are used:
- Spring Boot 2.4 as main web Framework
- Spring Kafka Stream
- Spring cloud FeignClient for rest client
- Lombok
- Builder Pattern
Main folders structure:
- client: contains Rest client connector for RestAPI call
- controller: contains web controller API classes
- dto: contains data to object classes
- service: contains service classes
- kafka: contains all kafka components: Producers, Processors, Consumers
PriceProducer |
| --> MarketProcessor --> MarketConsumer --> Storage <-- CalculatorService <-- RestAPI
ProfitProducer |
- Install Java : required to run the program
- Install Maven if you want to build (I already built runnable jar files and let it in /target folder)
- Install Local kafka server or use your existing kafka server. If so, please change kafka server config in application.yaml file.
- The server will run at port 1979. If you want to change that please also update the file application.yaml.
Please patiently run services one by one for now, I not yet setup on-click running
- Start Kafka Server
- Start zookeeper
- Start Kafka server
- Start Application:
- Go to root folder
- Run
- If you have problem with running the script, please build then run as your basic way: java -jar ./target/exchange-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Just try accessing the API uri: http://localhost:1979/api/v1/price?amount={wanted ammout}
You should get response lie
"spotPrice": 83309.00246016,
"profitFactor": 0.05,
"amount": 4.0,
"totalPrice": 349897.81033267203,
"id": "1d35a0b8-3ded-43b9-9fdf-4727b5166170"
- Preparation and Investigation: 1 hour
- Main coding: 7 hours
- Unit and Integration Test: 2 hours
- Document: 30 mins
- Grand Total: 10.5 hours