This plugin implements :CsvEval which parses a string that consists of a combination of functions and cells to perform simple mathematical operations that may be useful for processing CSV files.
:CsvEval sum(A1, B1)
Inserts the sum of A1 and B1 at the end of the current line.
:CsvEval mean(A1:A3, D4)
Inserts the mean of A1, A2, A3, D4 at the end of the current line.
:%CsvEval multiply(divide(G#, C#) 5000)
For each line in the buffer, divide the number in column G by the number in column C, multiply by 5000, and append the result to the respective line.
:'<,'>g/^/exec ":CsvEval sum(A#, B" . (line(".") - 1) . ")"
Calculate the cumulative total over a range. (First line must be complete)
See :help csveval