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fixed freq plot + freeplay model
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samayala22 committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 743c6a6 commit 8cb0d77
Showing 1 changed file with 219 additions and 32 deletions.
251 changes: 219 additions & 32 deletions data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq
from scipy.fft import fft, ifft, fftfreq
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from csaps import csaps
from tqdm import tqdm

EPS_sqrt_f = np.sqrt(1.19209e-07)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,13 +286,14 @@ def monolithic_system(t, y: np.ndarray):

M1[0, 2] = 1
M1[1, 3] = 1
M1[2, 0] = - (**2
# M1[2, 0] = - (**2
M1[2, 1] = - 2 /
M1[2, 2] = - 2.0*ndv.zeta_h*( - 2 /
M1[2, 3] = - (1/(np.pi* * (np.pi + 2*np.pi*(0.5 - ndv.a_h))
M1[2, 4] = (2 / * psi1
M1[2, 5] = (2 / * psi2
M1[3, 1] = - 1/(ndv.U**2) + f3*f4
# M1[3, 1] = - 1/(ndv.U**2) + f3*f4
M1[3, 1] = f3*f4
M1[3, 2] = f3*f4
M1[3, 3] = - 2.0*ndv.zeta_a/ndv.U + f3*f4*f0 - f3*0.5*np.pi*f0
M1[3, 4] = - psi1*f3*f4
Expand All @@ -306,29 +306,157 @@ def monolithic_system(t, y: np.ndarray):
V[2] = f1*f2*f5
V[3] = f3*f4*f5

# Linear springs
# V[2] += - (**2 * y[0]
# V[3] += - 1/(ndv.U**2) * y[1]

# Nonlinear springs
def M(alpha):
M0 = 0
Mf = 0
delta = np.radians(0.5)
a_f = np.radians(0.25)
if (alpha < a_f):
return M0 + alpha - a_f
elif (alpha >= a_f and alpha <= (a_f + delta)):
return M0 + Mf * (alpha - a_f)
else: # alpha > a_F + delta
return M0 + alpha - a_f + delta * (Mf - 1)

V[2] += - (**2 * y[0]
V[3] += - 1/(ndv.U**2) * M(y[1])

y_d = np.linalg.inv(M2) @ (M1 @ y + V)

return y_d

return monolithic_system

def reconstruct_signal_from_main_modes(signal, n_modes, sample_rate=1.0):
Reconstruct a signal using its n strongest amplitude modes from FFT.
signal (array-like): The input signal.
n_modes (int): Number of strongest modes to keep.
sample_rate (float): The sample rate of the signal (default is 1.0).
tuple: (reconstructed_signal, frequencies, amplitudes)
- reconstructed_signal: The signal reconstructed from n strongest modes.
- frequencies: The frequencies of the n strongest modes.
- amplitudes: The amplitudes of the n strongest modes.
# Perform FFT
N = len(signal)
fft_result = fft(signal)

# Calculate frequencies
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1/sample_rate)

# Get amplitudes
amplitudes = np.abs(fft_result)

# Sort amplitudes and get indices of n strongest
strongest_indices = np.argsort(amplitudes)[::-1][:n_modes]

# Create a mask for the FFT result
mask = np.zeros(N, dtype=bool)
mask[strongest_indices] = True
mask[N - strongest_indices] = True # Include conjugate frequencies

# Apply mask to FFT result
filtered_fft = fft_result * mask

# Reconstruct the signal
reconstructed_signal = np.real(ifft(filtered_fft))

# Get the frequencies and amplitudes of the strongest modes
strongest_freqs = freqs[strongest_indices]
strongest_amplitudes = amplitudes[strongest_indices]

return reconstructed_signal, strongest_freqs, strongest_amplitudes

def reconstruct_signal_minimizing_error(signal, max_modes, sample_rate=1.0):
Reconstruct a signal using FFT, selecting modes to minimize error.
signal (array-like): The input signal.
max_modes (int): Maximum number of modes to consider.
sample_rate (float): The sample rate of the signal (default is 1.0).
tuple: (reconstructed_signal, selected_freqs, selected_amps, n_modes)
- reconstructed_signal: The signal reconstructed from selected modes.
- selected_freqs: The frequencies of the selected modes.
- selected_amps: The amplitudes of the selected modes.
- n_modes: Number of modes used for reconstruction.
N = len(signal)
fft_result = fft(signal)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1/sample_rate)
amplitudes = np.abs(fft_result)

# Sort indices by amplitude
sorted_indices = np.argsort(amplitudes)[::-1]

best_error = np.inf
best_reconstruction = None
best_n_modes = 0
selected_freqs = []
selected_amps = []

for n_modes in range(1, min(max_modes, N//2) + 1):
# Select top n_modes
mask = np.zeros(N, dtype=bool)
for i in range(n_modes):
idx = sorted_indices[i]
mask[idx] = True
mask[N - idx - 1] = True # Include conjugate

# Reconstruct signal
filtered_fft = fft_result * mask
reconstructed = np.real(ifft(filtered_fft))

# Calculate error
error = np.mean((signal - reconstructed)**2)

# Check if this is the best reconstruction so far
if error < best_error:
best_error = error
best_reconstruction = reconstructed
best_n_modes = n_modes
selected_freqs = freqs[sorted_indices[:n_modes]]
selected_amps = amplitudes[sorted_indices[:n_modes]]
# If error starts increasing, we've found the optimal number of modes

# return best_reconstruction, selected_freqs, selected_amps, best_n_modes
return best_reconstruction

# Example usage:
# time = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
# original_signal = np.sin(2*np.pi*2*time) + 0.5*np.sin(2*np.pi*5*time) + 0.3*np.random.randn(len(time))
# reconstructed, freqs, amps, n_modes = reconstruct_signal_minimizing_error(original_signal, max_modes=10, sample_rate=100)

if __name__ == "__main__":
psi1 = 0.165
psi2 = 0.335
eps1 = 0.0455
eps2 = 0.3

#vec_U = np.linspace(3.0, 6.5, 100)
vec_U = [2.0]
# vec_U = np.linspace(1.0, 8, 10)
vec_U = [0.4 * 6.285]
freqs = np.zeros((2, len(vec_U)))
damping_ratios = np.zeros((2, len(vec_U)))
damping_ratios_m = np.zeros((2, len(vec_U)))

# Dimensionless parameters
dt_nd = 0.05
t_final_nd = 300
vec_t_nd = np.arange(0, t_final_nd, dt_nd)
n = len(vec_t_nd)
# Dimensional parameters
b = 0.5
k_a = 1000.0
rho = 1.0

# for idx, U_vel in enumerate(vec_U):
for idx, U_vel in tqdm(enumerate(vec_U), total=len(vec_U)):
Expand All @@ -344,6 +472,22 @@ def monolithic_system(t, y: np.ndarray):
U = U_vel

# Dimensionless parameters
dt_nd = 0.05
# t_final_nd = U_vel * 200.0
t_final_nd = 1500.0
vec_t_nd = np.arange(0, t_final_nd, dt_nd)
n = len(vec_t_nd)

m = * (np.pi * rho * b**2)
omega_a = np.sqrt(k_a / (m * (ndv.r_a * b)**2))
U = U_vel * (b * omega_a)
omega_h = * omega_a
k_h = omega_h**2 * m

print(f"U: {U}")

# Aeroelastic equations of motion mass, damping and stiffness matrices
M = np.array([
[1.0, ndv.x_a],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,46 +582,78 @@ def aero(i):

offset = 100
smoothed_h = sp.signal.savgol_filter(u[0, :], window_length=500, polyorder=3)
smoothed_h = sp.signal.savgol_filter(smoothed_h, window_length=500, polyorder=3)
smoothed_h = sp.signal.savgol_filter(smoothed_h, window_length=800, polyorder=3)

# sample_rate = 1 / (vec_t_nd[1] - vec_t_nd[0]) # Calculate sample rate from time array
# smoothed_h = reconstruct_signal_minimizing_error(u[0, :], 10, sample_rate)

peaks_h_t_i, peaks_h_d_i = get_peaks(vec_t_nd[offset:], smoothed_h[offset:])
peaks_a_t_i, peaks_a_d_i = get_peaks(vec_t_nd[offset:], u[1, offset:])

if (len(vec_U) == 1):
fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic(
[["h"], ["alpha"]], # Disposition des graphiques
[["h", "hd/h"], ["alpha", "ad/a"]], # Disposition des graphiques
constrained_layout=True, # Demander à Matplotlib d'essayer d'optimiser la disposition des graphiques pour que les axes ne se superposent pas
figsize=(11, 8), # Ajuster la taille de la figure (x,y)

axs["h"].plot(vec_t_nd, u[0, :], label="Iterative")
axs["h"].plot(monolithic_sol.t, monolithic_sol.y[0, :], label="Monolithic")
axs["h"].plot(peaks_h_t_i, peaks_h_d_i, "o")
axs["h"].plot(vec_t_nd, smoothed_h, label="Smoothed")
# axs["hd/h"].plot(u[0, :], v[0, :], "o", markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor='blue', markeredgewidth=0.2)
axs["hd/h"].plot(u[0, :], v[0, :])

axs["alpha"].plot(vec_t_nd, np.degrees(u[1, :]), label="Iterative")
axs["alpha"].plot(peaks_a_t_i, np.degrees(peaks_a_d_i), "o")
axs["alpha"].plot(monolithic_sol.t, np.degrees(monolithic_sol.y[1, :]), label="Monolithic")
axs["ad/a"].plot(u[1, :], v[1, :], "o", markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor='blue', markeredgewidth=0.2)
# axs["ad/a"].plot(monolithic_sol.y[1, 8000:], monolithic_sol.y[3, 8000:])

axs["alpha"].plot(vec_t_nd, u[1, :], label="Iterative")
axs["alpha"].plot(peaks_a_t_i, peaks_a_d_i, "o")
axs["h"].plot(vec_t_nd, monolithic_sol.y[0, :], label="Monolithic")
axs["alpha"].plot(vec_t_nd, monolithic_sol.y[1, :], label="Monolithic")

axs["h"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

axs["hd/h"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

axs["alpha"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

axs["ad/a"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

fig.suptitle(r"Aeroelastic response at $\bar{U} = %s$" % U_vel)

# X = fft(u, axis=1)
# freq = fftfreq(n, d=dt_nd)
# idx = np.argmax(np.abs(X), axis=1)
# dominant_freqs = np.abs(freq[idx])
# freqs[:, idx] = dominant_freqs

X = fft(u, axis=1)
freq = fftfreq(n, d= b * dt_nd / U)
max_freq_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(X), axis=1)
dominant_freqs = np.abs(freq[max_freq_idx])
freqs[:, idx] = 2*np.pi * dominant_freqs / omega_a

damping_ratios[0, idx] = get_damping_ratio(smoothed_h[offset:])
damping_ratios[1, idx] = get_damping_ratio(u[1, offset:])
damping_ratios_m[1, idx] = get_damping_ratio(monolithic_sol.y[0, offset:])
damping_ratios_m[1, idx] = get_damping_ratio(monolithic_sol.y[1, offset:])

def freq_ratio(time_range, nb_periods):
m = * (np.pi * rho * b**2)
omega_a = np.sqrt(k_a / (m * (ndv.r_a * b)**2))
U = U_vel * (b * omega_a)
total_t = b * time_range / U
avg_period = total_t / nb_periods
omega = 2*np.pi / avg_period
return omega / omega_a

# freqs[1, idx] = freq_ratio(peaks_a_t_i[-1] - peaks_a_t_i[0], len(peaks_a_t_i)-1)
# freqs[0, idx] = freq_ratio(peaks_h_t_i[-1] - peaks_h_t_i[0], len(peaks_h_t_i)-1)

# fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic(
# [["freq"]], # Disposition des graphiques
Expand All @@ -490,15 +666,26 @@ def aero(i):

if (len(vec_U) > 1):
fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic(
[["damping"]], # Disposition des graphiques
[["damping"], ["freq"]], # Disposition des graphiques
constrained_layout=True, # Demander à Matplotlib d'essayer d'optimiser la disposition des graphiques pour que les axes ne se superposent pas
figsize=(11, 8), # Ajuster la taille de la figure (x,y)
axs["damping"].plot(vec_U, damping_ratios[0, :], "o", label="Heave (Iterative)")
axs["damping"].plot(vec_U, damping_ratios[1, :], "o", label="Pitch (Iterative)")
# axs["damping"].plot(vec_U, damping_ratios_m[1, :], "o", label="Pitch (Monolithic)")
axs["damping"].plot(vec_U, damping_ratios_m[1, :], "o", label="Pitch (Monolithic)")

axs["freq"].plot(vec_U, freqs[0, :], "o", label="Heave (Iterative)")
axs["freq"].plot(vec_U, freqs[1, :], "o", label="Pitch (Iterative)")

axs["damping"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

axs["freq"].grid(True, which='both', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.0, color='gray')

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