This project is a GovCMS subtheme project.
download and install node.js from
npm install
bundle install
sudo npm install gulp -g
sudo npm install bower -g
bower install
gulp watch -- This will spin up a styleguide server, go to http://localhost:8080/styleguide to view.
At this point there is an issue with markup not reloading properly, you need to manually re-run "gulp watch" until this is fixed.
Dcomms front-end workflow leverages Gulp and Bower heavily to manage both external libraries and internal components.
Bower first looks at dependencies specified in the bower.json
We use an npm module called main-bower-files to extract main bower files from bower_components and concatenate them into JS and CSS files that are separately loaded into the styleguide and theme.
The advantage of using Bower is that we are able track specific versions on Github and we are easily able to include scripts into styleguide and theme consistently.
To add a new library: bower install mylibrary --save-dev Then run "gulp" to move that library along with others to respective concatenated css or js files.
$ phing build
$ phing db-sync