This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.
Windows Azure is an Internet-scale computing and services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. It includes a number of features with corresponding developer services which can be used individually or together.
Create and export management certificate to azure For steps to create a certificate and export to Azure visit
- Run "mvn clean install"
- Download and unzip the file 'target/' to <machineagent install dir}/monitors
- Open monitor.xml and configure the Azure arguments
<argument name="subscriptionId" is-required="true" default-value="4814ab8f-ebb8-42b5-ac5c-69b675d19e2c" />
<argument name="keyStorePath" is-required="true" default-value="/home/satish/AppDynamics/Azure/WindowsAzureKeyStore.jks" />
<argument name="keyStorePassword" is-required="true" default-value="appdAzure123" />
<!-- Azure REST API version, More info at -->
<argument name="x-ms-version" is-required="true" default-value="2013-11-01" />
<!-- The configuration file which lists out the metrics to be included from monitoring on controller-->
<argument name="include-metrics-path" is-required="true" default-value="monitors/AzureMonitor/" />
<!--Proxy server details-->
<argument name="proxyHost" is-required="false" default-value="" />
<argument name="proxyPort" is-required="false" default-value="" />
<argument name="proxyUsername" is-required="false" default-value="" />
<argument name="proxyPassword" is-required="false" default-value="" />
SubscriptionId : Azure subscription id
keyStorePath : Path of keystore which is created and uploaded to azure
keyStorePassword : Password for the keystore
x-ms-version : Azure REST API version (For more info refer
include-metrics-path : Path to
proxyHost : Proxy server host if any
proxyPort : Proxy server port if any
proxyUsername : Proxy server user name if any
proxyPassword : Proxy server password if any
Open and configure storage account names
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAMES_FOR_TABLE: Storage account name for which table level metrics to be fetched
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAMES_FOR_BLOB: Storage account name for which blob level metrics to be fetched
The following metrics are reported.
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxCoreCount | MaxCoreCount |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxStorageAccounts | MaxStorageAccounts |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxHostedServices | MaxHostedServices |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/CurrentCoreCount | CurrentCoreCount |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/CurrentHostedServices | CurrentHostedServices |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/CurrentStorageAccounts | CurrentStorageAccounts |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxVirtualNetworkSites | MaxVirtualNetworkSites |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxLocalNetworkSites | MaxLocalNetworkSites |
Azure/Subscription/{SubscriptionID}/MaxDnsServers | MaxDnsServers |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/Disk/{Disk Name}/Disk Size | Disk Size |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/OS Image/{Name}/LogicalSizeInGB | Logical OS Disk Size |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/CurrentNumberOfWorkers | |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Enabled | |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/CPU Time/{Unit}/CurrentValue | CPU Time currentvalue |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/CPU Time/{Unit}/Limit | CPU Time limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Data In/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Data in current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Data In/{Unit}/Limit | Data in limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Data Out/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Data out current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Data Out/{Unit}/Limit | Data out limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Local bytes read/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Local bytes read current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Local bytes read/{Unit}/Limit | Local bytes read limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Local bytes written/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Local bytes written current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Local bytes written/{Unit}/Limit | Local bytes written limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Network bytes read/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Network bytes read current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Network bytes read/{Unit}/Limit | Network bytes read limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Network bytes written/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Network bytes written current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Network bytes written/{Unit}/Limit | Network bytes written limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/WP stop requests/{Unit}/CurrentValue | WP stop requests current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/WP stop requests/{Unit}/Limit | WP stop requests limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Memory Usage/{Unit}/CurrentValue | Memory usage current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/Memory Usage/{Unit}/Limit | Memory usage limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/CPU Time - Minute Limit/{Unit}/CurrentValue | CPU time in minutes current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/CPU Time - Minute Limit/{Unit}/Limit | CPU time in minutes limit |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/File System Storage/{Unit}/CurrentValue | File system storage current value |
Azure/Web Space/{Web Space Name}/{Web Site Name}/Usage Metrics/File System Storage/{Unit}/Limit | File system storage limit |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/DATABASE SERVER/{DB Server Name}/DATABASE/{DB Name}/MaxSizeBytes | Max DB size in bytes |
Azure/DATABASE SERVER/{DB Server Name}/DATABASE/{DB Name}/SizeBytes | DB Size in bytes |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/Storage/Table/{Storage Account Name}/No Of Tables | Number of tables in storage account |
Metric Path | Description |
Azure/Storage/Blob/{Storage Account Name}/Container/{Container Name}/Blobs/{Blob Name}/Size | Blob size |
Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub.
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For any questions or feature request, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.