An ansible role to install and configure kafka distributed pub/sub messaging queue clusters.
Note: Build is currently failing due to issues with Kafka 2.0. Rest assured that it works fine, but I haven't had time to chase this one down. PR's gladly accepted :)
Add to your playbooks requirements.yml:
- src:
and then run:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --ignore-errors
Or if you just want to grab this role and start using it:
cd my-playbook-folder/roles
git clone
cd -
Once the role is installed, configure it from your playbook file (e.g. playbook.yml).
- hosts: [all]
- {
role: "ansible-kafka",
kafka_hosts: "{{ groups.kafka | list }}",
kafka_zookeeper_hosts: "{{ zookeeper_hosts | list }}"
kafka_version:, # Kafka version override.
kafka_scala_serverion: 2.10 # Scala version override.
Where kafka_hosts
and zookeeper_hosts
are both defined variables
(e.g. in group_vars/all), and contain the list of hosts to use.
If you are using this role from the ansible-galaxy website, make sure you use "jaytaylor.kafka" for the role name (rather than "ansible-kafka").
- list of hosts in the cluster.kafka_zookeeper_hosts
- list of zookeeper hosts for the cluster.kafka_broker_id
- Integer uniquely identifying the broker, by default one will be generated for you either by this role or by kafka itself for versions >= 0.9.kafka_generate_broker_id
- Flag controlling whether to generate a broker id, defaults toyes
Jay Taylor