publish: bump version to v10.0.0-rc5 #110
GitHub Actions / unit test results
Dec 3, 2024 in 0s
unit test results ✔️
✔️ test-result-unit.json
478 tests were completed in 161ms with 477 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.
✔️ test/unit/compile/getRef.test.ts
✔️ should resolve ids to pointer
✔️ should return remote schema
✔️ should return rootSchema
✔️ should return value for json-pointer uri
compile.getRef host/target
✔️ should call 'getRef' when resolving remotes
✔️ should resolve host/target from ids
✔️ should resolve separated host/target from ids
✔️ should resolve target-pointer from remote host
compile.getRef recursion
✔️ should resolve id recursively
✔️ should resolve pointer recursively
✔️ should resolve remote recursively
✔️ should resolve empty token in json-pointer
✔️ test/unit/compile/joinScope.test.ts
✔️ should add file to domain with folder/
✔️ should append id to url
✔️ should append id to url/
✔️ should join absolute-path-reference
✔️ should join domain with folder
✔️ should join domain with folder/
✔️ should override base root
✔️ should replace fragments not ending with slash
✔️ should replace id
✔️ should replace pointer
✔️ should return base without trailing #
✔️ test/unit/compile/splitRef.test.ts
✔️ should return empty list for empty string
✔️ should return empty list for root pointer
✔️ should return input id
✔️ should return input pointer
✔️ should return input pointer from uri fragment
✔️ should return sanitized url
✔️ should return sanitized url
✔️ should return sanitized url and id
✔️ should return sanitized url and pointer
✔️ test/unit/compileSchema.test.ts
compile behaviour
✔️ should not change iterable properties
✔️ should not copy schema twice
✔️ should return a copy
✔️ should return undefined for missing schema
compile compile ref
✔️ should compile ref to absolute scope
✔️ should compile ref to absolute scope
✔️ should resolve absolute url with subfolder
compile draft04Schema spec remoteRef.json
✔️ should correctly replace base uri for remote scope updates
✔️ should join scope and resolve to remote
✔️ should resolve joined remote with root ref
✔️ should resolve ref with remote ref
✔️ should resolve remote ref
✔️ should resolve remote ref with fragment
compile draft04Schema spec remoteRef.json $ref prevents a sibling id from changing the base uri
✔️ $ref resolves to /definitions/base_foo, data does not validate
✔️ $ref resolves to /definitions/base_foo, data validates
compile draft04Schema spec remoteRef.json base URI change
✔️ base URI change ref invalid
✔️ base URI change ref valid
compile draft04Schema spec remoteRef.json base URI change - change folder
✔️ number is valid
✔️ string is invalid
compile getRef
✔️ should always return json-pointer target
✔️ should resolve json-pointer with root-url
✔️ should return a defined $ref with json-pointer
✔️ should return schema defined with referenced ids
✔️ should return schema defined with referenced ids from root schema
✔️ should return schema defined with referenced ids not using root schema
✔️ should return schema for absolute assembled scope ids
compile getRef remote
✔️ should resolve id within remote
✔️ should resolve pointer within remote
✔️ should resolve remotes
✔️ should resolve remotes with trailing '#'
compile spec ref.json
✔️ should resolve location independent identifier
✔️ should resolve location independent identifier with base uri change in subschema
✔️ should resolve nested $ref
✔️ should resolve pointer containing quotes
✔️ should return relative pointer
✔️ should return root
✔️ should work on escaped pointer
✔️ test/unit/compileSchemaV6.test.ts
compileV06 01 - refRemote base URI change - base URI change ref invalid
✔️ should not validate 'object'
✔️ should validate 'null'
✔️ should validate 'string'
compileV06 02 - refRemote base URI change - base URI change ref invalid
✔️ should not validate 'string'
✔️ should validate 'number'
✔️ test/unit/createSchemaOf.test.ts
✔️ should add items from array
✔️ should add single item as item-object
✔️ should add type 'object' of data to schema
✔️ should add type 'string' of data to schema
✔️ should should add object's properties
✔️ test/unit/docs/docs.test.ts
docs draft methods
✔️ should call for each data point using 'each
✔️ should call for each sub schema
✔️ should complement data using 'getTemplate'
✔️ should resolve from remote schema
✔️ should resolve oneOf item using 'getSchema'
✔️ should return data using 'getTemplate'
✔️ validate should return error
✔️ validate should return error for separate schema
✔️ test/unit/docs/remoteSchema.test.ts
docs - remote schema
✔️ should resolve $defs from remote schema
✔️ should resolve $defs from remote schema using simple ids
✔️ should resolve pointer to nested object in remote schema
✔️ should resolve remote schema from given url
✔️ should resolve remote schemas from simple ids
✔️ test/unit/each.test.ts
✔️ should call callback with schema, value and pointer
✔️ should callback for array and all array items
✔️ should callback for array and pick correct schema forEach item
✔️ should callback for object and all properties
✔️ should resolve root reference
✔️ test/unit/eachSchema.test.ts
✔️ should call on additionalProperties
✔️ should call on definitions
✔️ should call on each allOf-schema
✔️ should call on each anyOf-schema
✔️ should call on each dependency schema
✔️ should call on each item property
✔️ should call on each item schema
✔️ should call on each oneOf-schema
✔️ should call on each oneOf-schema in items
✔️ should call on each property schema
✔️ should call on each property schema if type is missing
✔️ should call on unspecified properties
✔️ should execute callback on root-schema
✔️ should ignore dependency list
✔️ should iterate definitions
✔️ should iterate over nested definitions
✔️ should support array-types
✔️ test/unit/getChildSchemaSelection.test.ts
✔️ should resolve items from oneOf elements
✔️ should return a single array-item as list
✔️ should return a single object-schema as list
✔️ should return an empty array if items schema is undefined
✔️ should return list of oneOf elements
getChildSchemaSelection additionalItems
✔️ should not return additionalItems if item-schema is object
✔️ should return additionalItem schema
✔️ should return additionalItem schema when items-list is exceeded
✔️ should return empty list if additionalItems is false
✔️ should return empty list if additionalItems is undefined
✔️ should return items-schema instead of additionalItems if item is defined
✔️ should return string-schema if additionalItems is true
✔️ test/unit/getSchema.test.ts
getSchema array
✔️ should return error if no matching 'oneOf' item was found
✔️ should return item schema
✔️ should return item schema based on index
✔️ should return schema for matching 'oneOf' item
getSchema object
✔️ should resolve $ref as property
✔️ should return 'one-of-error' if enforced oneOf schema could not be resolved
✔️ should return `schema-warning` for unknown, but valid property
✔️ should return `undefined` for unknown, but valid property
✔️ should return an error for invalid properties
✔️ should return an error for invalid properties, even if value is given
✔️ should return an error if schema could not be resolved
✔️ should return correct 'oneOf' object definition
✔️ should return schema for property within nested object
✔️ should return schema for unknown property if data is passed
✔️ should return schema of matching patternProperty
✔️ should return schema of valid property
getSchema object dependencies
✔️ should return schema from dependencies when dependent property is present
getSchema object if-then-else
✔️ should return correct schema for duplicate property
✔️ should return else-schema for non-matching if-schema
✔️ should return then-schema for matching if-schema
getSchema value
✔️ should resolve property through root $ref
✔️ should return schema of any value
✔️ test/unit/getTemplate.test.ts
✔️ should not modify input schema
✔️ should set an empty string if no default value is given
✔️ should set the first enum option for a missing default
✔️ should support null type properties
✔️ should support null types
getTemplate array items:Array
✔️ should convert input data for booleans
✔️ should convert input data for numbers
✔️ should convert input data for strings
✔️ should replace input data
✔️ should return default value for invalid boolean
✔️ should return default value for invalid number
✔️ should return items in given order
getTemplate array items:Array additionalItems
✔️ should add defaults from additionalItems
✔️ should add defaults from additionalItems for unspecified items
getTemplate array items:Object
✔️ should extend all input objects by missing properties
✔️ should extend given template data by default values
✔️ should not override given default values
✔️ should return array with minItems
✔️ should return default array
✔️ should return default array even if minItems is not set
✔️ should return default array if part of object
✔️ should return empty array if minItems = 0
getTemplate array items.allOf
✔️ should create template for merged allOf schema
getTemplate array items.anyOf
✔️ should create template for first anyOf schema
getTemplate array items.oneOf
✔️ should merge with input data
✔️ should not remove invalid oneOf schema if 'removeInvalidData' is unset
✔️ should return template of first oneOf schema
getTemplate boolean
✔️ should not override given boolean if it is 'false'
✔️ should not override given boolean if it is 'true'
✔️ should set default value for boolean
getTemplate integer
✔️ should not override given integer
✔️ should set default value for integer
getTemplate list of types
✔️ should return first type of list for template
✔️ should return input data
✔️ should return type of default value if data is not given
getTemplate number
✔️ should not override given number
✔️ should set default value for number
getTemplate object $ref
✔️ should create template of draft04
✔️ should follow $ref once
✔️ should resolve $ref in items-array
✔️ should resolve $ref in object schema
✔️ should respect depth of input data in $ref-resolution
getTemplate object additionalProperties
✔️ should not remove additional properties `additionalProperties=true`
✔️ should not remove additional properties `additionalProperties=undefined`
✔️ should not remove additional properties with `additionalProperties=false`
✔️ should not remove non matching properties
✔️ should remove invalid properties with option `removeInvalidData=true`
✔️ should remove unmatched properties with option `removeInvalidData=true`
getTemplate object allOf
✔️ should create template for merged allOf schema
getTemplate object anyOf
✔️ should create template for first anyOf schema
getTemplate object dependencies option: `additionalProps: false` dependency required
✔️ should add dependency if initially triggered as required
✔️ should add dependency if triggered as required
✔️ should not add dependency if it is not required
getTemplate object dependencies option: `additionalProps: false` dependency schema
✔️ should add dependency from schema if triggered as required
✔️ should not add dependency from schema if it is not required
getTemplate object dependencies option: `additionalProps: true`
✔️ should create template for valid dependency
✔️ should not change passed value of dependency
✔️ should not create data for non matching dependency
getTemplate object oneOf
✔️ should extend empty object with first oneOf schema
✔️ should not require object type definition in oneOf schemas
✔️ should return input value if no oneOf-schema matches
✔️ should return template of first oneOf schema
✔️ should return template of matching oneOf schema
getTemplate object properties
✔️ should extend given template data by default values
✔️ should not fail on falsy input data
✔️ should not override given default values
✔️ should return default object if defined
✔️ should return defined properties of object
getTemplate oneOf
✔️ should return first schema for mixed types
getTemplate templateOptions
✔️ should not add optional properties
✔️ should remove invalid oneOf schema if 'removeInvalidData=true'
getTemplate templateOptions extendDefaults
✔️ should add items to array with no default-value given and 'extendDefaults:false'
✔️ should add items to default-array with 'extendDefaults:true'
✔️ should extend default-object with 'extendDefaults:true'
✔️ should extend object by required property with no default-value given and 'extendDefaults:false'
✔️ should keep array default-value with 'extendDefaults:false'
✔️ should not add required items to object with default-value given and 'extendDefaults:false'
getTemplate templateOptions file
✔️ should not modify file-instance
✔️ should not modify file-instance on object
✔️ test/unit/getTemplate7.test.ts
getTemplate - v7
✔️ should prefer const over default
✔️ should set const as value
✔️ should set default as value
getTemplate - v7 object if-then-else
✔️ should incrementally resolve multiple 'then'-schema
✔️ should not create data for then-schema if it is not required
✔️ should not return template of then-schema for invalid if-schema
✔️ should return template of else-schema for invalid if-schema
✔️ should return template of then-schema for valid if-schema
✔️ test/unit/getTypeOf.test.ts
✔️ should return 'array' for []
✔️ should return 'boolean' for false
✔️ should return 'null' for null
✔️ should return 'number' for 0
✔️ should return 'object' for {}
✔️ should return 'regexp' for 'new RegExp()'
✔️ should return 'regexp' for /^/
✔️ should return 'string' for ""
✔️ should return 'undefined' for undefined
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue19.getSchema.dependencies.test.ts
issue#19 - getSchema from dependencies
✔️ should return correct schema for existing data property 'customField'
✔️ should return correct schema for missing data property 'customField'
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue21.getTemplate.test.ts
issue#21 - getTemplate containing refs
✔️ should append property 'runner' on partial objects
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue22.each.test.ts
issue#22 - eachSchema on root $ref
✔️ should call for each properties
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue32.getTemplate.integer.test.ts
issue#32 - getTemplate ignored input data for integer
✔️ should not override input data
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue33.rootOneOf.test.ts
issue#33 - root oneOf changes type
✔️ should return false for root array
issue#33 - root oneOf changes type type array
✔️ should return false for root array
✔️ should return false for root boolean
✔️ should return true for root number
✔️ should return true for root string
issue#33 - root oneOf changes type variations
✔️ should return false for property array
✔️ should return false for property boolean
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue38.getTemplate.anyOf.test.ts
issue#38 - getTemplate anyOf should not modify valid default value
✔️ should return valid default value
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue43.multipleOf.float.test.ts
issue#43 - multipleOf .01
✔️ should not validate .025
✔️ should not validate Infinity
✔️ should still invalidate non-multiples of integers
✔️ should still validate multiple of integers
✔️ should validate .02
✔️ should validate .2
✔️ should validate 1
✔️ should validate 1.36
✔️ should validate 123456789
✔️ should validate 2.74
✔️ should validate all floats with two decimals
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue44.chainedNegLogic.test.ts
issue#44 - chained negative logic
✔️ should validate input data
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue57.allOfMutatesData.test.ts
issue#57 - resolveAllOf mutates data
✔️ should not modify input data
✔️ should not throw an error with a frozen array
✔️ test/unit/issues/issue58.oneOfType.test.ts
issue#58 - oneOf should invalid type error
✔️ should return one-of-error for invalid type
✔️ should return type-error
✔️ should return type-error for non-integer value
✔️ should return type-error for non-integer value in combination with oneOf
✔️ should validate correct type defined in one-of statement
✔️ should validate without type-error
✔️ test/unit/isValid.test.ts
✔️ should not validate multiple oneOf validations
✔️ should return false if value is invalid
✔️ should return true if value is valid
✔️ test/unit/mergeSchema.test.ts
✔️ should merge item property
✔️ should merge items of same type
✔️ should merge properties
✔️ should merge property
✔️ should merge required statements
✔️ should not merge items of different type
✔️ should overwrite items by last argument
✔️ should overwrite properties by last argument
✔️ should replace items by last argument
✔️ test/unit/reduceSchema.test.ts
reduceSchema allOf
✔️ should iteratively resolve allOf before merging (issue#44)
✔️ test/unit/resolveAllOf.test.ts
✔️ should return merged properties and attributes
✔️ should return merged required-list of type object
✔️ should return merged schema of type string
✔️ should return merged schema while resolving $ref
✔️ should return unique merged required-list of type object
resolveAllOf if-then-else
✔️ should incrementally resolve multiple 'then'-schema
✔️ should merge multiple 'then'-schema
✔️ should merge only matching 'if'-schema
✔️ should not return 'then'-schema when 'if' does not match
✔️ should return 'then'-schema when 'if' does match
✔️ test/unit/resolveDynamicSchema.test.ts
resolveDynamicSchema allOf
✔️ should resolve nested allOf schema
✔️ should return merged allOf schema
✔️ should return undefined if allOf is empty
resolveDynamicSchema anyOf
✔️ should return all matching oneOf schema as merged schema
✔️ should return matching oneOf schema
✔️ should return undefined if anyOf is empty
✔️ should return undefined if no anyOf matches input data
resolveDynamicSchema dependencies
✔️ should correctly merge dependencies
✔️ should resolve nested dependencies schema
✔️ should return undefined if dynamic schema is not triggered
resolveDynamicSchema if-then-else
✔️ should resolve nested if-then-else schema
✔️ should return undefined if dynamic schema is not triggered
✔️ should select if-then-else schema
resolveDynamicSchema oneOf
✔️ should select correct oneOf schema from oneOfProperty
✔️ should select oneOf schema
✔️ test/unit/resolveOneOf.fuzzy.test.ts
resolveOneOf (fuzzy)
✔️ should resolve $ref before schema
✔️ should return schema with matching pattern
✔️ should return schema with matching type
resolveOneOf (fuzzy) array
✔️ should return oneOfError for invalid data
resolveOneOf (fuzzy) object
✔️ should return schema matching nested properties
✔️ should return schema with matching properties
resolveOneOf (fuzzy) object fuzzy match missing values
✔️ should find correct pay type
✔️ should only count properties that match the schema
✔️ should return schema with least missing properties
resolveOneOf (fuzzy) object oneOfProperty
✔️ should return an error if no oneOfProperty could be matched
✔️ should return an error if value at oneOfProperty is undefined
✔️ should return schema matching oneOfProperty
✔️ should return schema matching oneOfProperty even it is invalid
✔️ test/unit/resolveOneOf.oneOfProperty.test.ts
✔️ should return an error if no oneOfProperty could be matched
✔️ should return an error if value at oneOfProperty is undefined
✔️ should return schema matching oneOfProperty
✔️ should return schema matching oneOfProperty even it is invalid
✔️ test/unit/step/step.oneOf.test.ts
✔️ should maintain references from a remote schema when resolving oneOf with $ref
✔️ should maintain references from a remote schema when resolving oneOf with $ref
✔️ should return matching schema
✔️ test/unit/step/step.test.ts
✔️ should return an error for unknown types
step array
✔️ should return a generated schema with additionalItems
✔️ should return an error for invalid array schema
✔️ should return combined allOf schema
✔️ should return combined anyOf schema
✔️ should return item at index
✔️ should return item property
✔️ should return matching anyOf
✔️ should return matching item in oneOf
step object
✔️ should create schema for `additionalProperties=true`
✔️ should resolve references from anyOf schema
✔️ should resolve references in allOf schema
✔️ should return additionalProperties schema for not matching patternProperty
✔️ should return an error if `additionalProperties=false` and property unknown
✔️ should return combined anyOf schema
✔️ should return error for unknown property
✔️ should return error for unknown property
✔️ should return matching allOf schema
✔️ should return matching anyOf
✔️ should return matching oneOf
✔️ should return matching oneOf, for objects missing properties
✔️ should return matching patternProperty
✔️ should return object property
✔️ should treat `additionalProperties` as `true` per default
✔️ test/unit/step/step7.allOf.test.ts
✖️ should return combined schema
✔️ test/unit/utils/getPrecision.test.ts
✔️ should return decimal precision
✔️ test/unit/utils/merge.test.ts
✔️ should merge objects
✔️ should not modify input values
✔️ should replace arrays
✔️ test/unit/validate.format.test.ts
validate format time
✔️ should not validate HH:mm
✔️ should not validate minutes above 59
✔️ should not validate seconds above 59
✔️ should validate HH:mm:ss-HH:mm
✔️ should validate HH:mm:ssZ
validate format url
✔️ should return error UrlFormatError for invalid urls
✔️ should validate format url
✔️ test/unit/validate.test.ts
validate array
✔️ should be valid for matching indices
✔️ should return all errors
✔️ should return error for invalid index
validate array additionalItems
✔️ should also be valid if 'additionalItems' is undefined
✔️ should be valid for matching 'additionalItems' schema
✔️ should be valid if 'additionalItems' is true
✔️ should return error for mismatching 'additionalItems' schema
✔️ should return error for prohibited additional items
validate array min/maxItems
✔️ should be valid if item count is within range
✔️ should return MaxItemsError for too many items
✔️ should return MinItemsError for too few items
✔️ should still be valid for missing type
validate array not
✔️ should be invalid if 'not' keyword does match
validate array oneOf
✔️ should return error if no item does match
✔️ should return MultipleOneOfError if multiple oneOf definitions match the given value
✔️ should return no error for valid oneOf items
validate array uniqueItems
✔️ should not validate for duplicated objects
✔️ should not validate for duplicated values
✔️ should validate for mismatching objects with equal properties
validate arrays of types
✔️ should not return an error for a valid type
✔️ should return a TypeError if passed type is not within array
✔️ should support 'integer' as a valid type within array
validate heterogeneous types $ref
✔️ should correctly resolve local remote url
✔️ should correctly validate combination of remote, allOf, and allOf-$ref
✔️ should correctly validate data through nested $ref
validate heterogeneous types enum
✔️ should return error for invalid null
✔️ should return error for non-matching object
✔️ should validate a matching array within enum
✔️ should validate a matching object within enum
✔️ should validate a matching value within enum
validate integer
✔️ should support type 'integer'
✔️ should throw error if type 'integer' received a float
✔️ should validate NaN
validate integer allOf
✔️ should return all errors for each non-matching schemas
✔️ should return error if not all schemas match
✔️ should validate if all allOf-schemas are valid
validate integer anyOf
✔️ should resolve references
✔️ should return error if invalid null
✔️ should return error if not all schemas match
✔️ should validate if one schemas in anyOf validates
✔️ should validate null
validate integer oneOf
✔️ should return an error for multiple matching oneOf schemas
✔️ should validate on a matching oneOf definition
validate number
✔️ should be invalid if 'not' keyword does match
✔️ should be valid if 'multipleOf' is not a number
✔️ should be valid if number is within range
✔️ should be valid if value if a multiple of 1.5
✔️ should be valid if value is within enum list
✔️ should return EnumError if value is not within enum list
✔️ should return error if value is not multiple of 1.5
✔️ should return MaximumError if number is too large
✔️ should return MaximumError if number same and exclusiveMaximum is set
✔️ should return MinimumError if number is equal and exclusiveMinimum is set
✔️ should return MinimumError if number is too small
✔️ should still be valid for missing type
✔️ should validate NaN
validate object
✔️ should return all errors
✔️ should still be valid for missing type
validate object additionalProperties
✔️ should be ignore properties that are matched by patternProperties
✔️ should be invalid if value does match multiple 'additionalProperties' in oneOf schema
✔️ should be invalid if value does not match 'additionalProperties' in oneOf schema
✔️ should be valid if 'additionalProperties' is 'true'
✔️ should be valid if value matches 'additionalProperties' oneOf schema
✔️ should be valid if value matches 'additionalProperties' schema
✔️ should only validate existing definition in 'properties'
✔️ should return AdditionalPropertiesError for an additional property
✔️ should return all AdditionalPropertiesErrors
✔️ should return error if value does not match 'additionalProperties' schema
validate object dependencies
✔️ should be valid for a matching schema dependency
✔️ should ignore any dependencies if the property is no set
✔️ should return a 'MissingDependencyError' if the dependent counterpart is missing
✔️ should return a 'MissingDependencyError' if the dependent property is missing
✔️ should return validation error for a non-matching schema dependency
validate object min/maxProperties
✔️ should be valid if property count is within range
✔️ should return MaxPropertiesError for too many properties
✔️ should return MinPropertiesError for too few properties
validate object not
✔️ should be invalid if 'not' keyword does match
validate object oneOf
✔️ should return error for non-matching oneOf
✔️ should validate matching oneOf
validate object patternProperties
✔️ should invalidate defined property
✔️ should return 'PatternPropertiesError' if additional properties are not allowed
✔️ should return an AdditionalPropertiesError if additional properties do not validate
✔️ should return an error for matching pattern and failed validation
✔️ should return an error for matching regex pattern and failed validation
✔️ should return an error if one of the matching patterns does not validate
✔️ should return no error if additional properties are not allowed but valid in patterns
✔️ should return no error if additional properties validate value
✔️ should validate a correct matching pattern
validate object required
✔️ shoud return errors for missing `required` properties
validate string
✔️ should be invalid if 'not' keyword does match
✔️ should be valid if string is within range
✔️ should be valid if value is within enum list
✔️ should return EnumError if value is not within enum list
✔️ should return MaxLengthError if string is too long
✔️ should return MinLengthError if string is too short
✔️ should still be valid for missing type
✔️ test/unit/validateAsync.test.ts
✔️ should resolve successfull with an empty error
✔️ should resolve with errors for a failed validation
✔️ should return a promise
validateAsync onError
✔️ should call onProgress immediately with error
✔️ test/unit/validateV7.test.ts
validate draft07 integer exclusiveMaximum
✔️ should fail if value is equal to 0
✔️ should succeed if value is below to 0
validate draft07 integer exclusiveMinimum
✔️ should fail if value is equal to 0
✔️ should succeed if value is above to 0
validate draft07 integer if-then-else
✔️ should validate if-else constructs
✔️ should validate if-then constructs
validate draft07 object dependencies
✔️ should return correct error for invalid dependency