This google sheet can be used to plan out what items you will be trying to obtain for your Baldurs Gate 3 campaign.
How to use:
- Copy the google spreadsheet. ( )
- Rename the sheets C1,C2,C3,C4 as you like (C stands for character).
- If you need another character sheet just duplicate the 'Template' sheet.
- Use the lookup tool to find items for your build.
- Use the dropdown in the 'Your Items' section on the left to add an item to your build.
- This spreasheet is missing most of the items in the game and also doesn't have all the item categories added, so you will have to add what you want unti the spreadsheet is completed.
How to contribute:
- Create a branch and add your changes, contact me once you are done and I will manually merge the changes.
tags: bg3, build tool, maker, bg3-item-planner