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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This application helps users track their job applications, manage notes, and store resumes. It's a full-stack application with a React frontend and a Node.js/Express backend.

Features and Functionality

Application Tracking:

  • Add new job applications, specifying company name, job role, application platform, date applied, and status.
  • Update the status of existing applications.
  • Delete applications.
  • View a list of all applications, sorted by date applied.

Note Management:

  • Add new notes.
  • Delete notes.
  • View all notes associated with the user's account.

Resume Management:

  • Upload resumes (supports various file types).
  • View a list of uploaded resumes, displaying the associated role.
  • Download uploaded resumes.
  • Delete resumes.

User Authentication:

  • Secure user registration and login.
  • Protected routes ensuring only authenticated users can access application data.
  • Logout functionality.

Technology Stack


  • React
  • React Router
  • Axios
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Hook Form
  • React Toastify
  • react-loader-spinner


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • bcrypt
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Multer (for file uploads)
  • Cookie-parser
  • Cors
  • Dotenv


  • Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.
  • MongoDB running locally or a connection string to a remote MongoDB instance. The backend expects the connection string in the environment variable DB_URL.
  • A frontend URL in the environment variable FRONTEND_URL.

Installation Instructions


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the backend directory: cd Application-Tracker/backend
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a .env file in the backend directory and add the following (replace with your actual values):
  5. Start the server: node index.js


  1. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd Application-Tracker/frontend
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the frontend directory and add your backend URL:
  4. Start the development server: npm run dev

API Documentation

The API endpoints are well-documented within the code comments of the controller files (backend/controller/*.js). The main routes are as follows:


  • /auth/register: POST - Register a new user.
  • /auth/login: POST - Login an existing user.
  • /auth/verify: GET - Verify user authentication (protected route).
  • /auth/logout: POST - Logout the current user (protected route).


  • /application/add: POST - Add a new application (protected route).
  • /application/rem: DELETE - Delete an application (protected route).
  • /application/update: PATCH - Update an application's status (protected route).
  • /application/get: GET - Get all applications for the current user (protected route).


  • /note/add: POST - Add a new note (protected route).
  • /note/delete: DELETE - Delete a note (protected route).
  • /note/get: GET - Get all notes for the current user (protected route).


  • /resume/add: POST - Add a new resume (protected route, requires file upload).
  • /resume/get: GET - Get a list of resume roles for the current user (protected route).
  • /resume/getId: GET - Download a specific resume (protected route).
  • /resume/del: DELETE - Delete a resume (protected route).

Contact/Support Information

For any questions or issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.