This is a bugfix release of seqmonk which adds some optimisations to the
background data model and fixes a number of bugs.
Changed the internal data model to store positions and counts separately
to make the storage of heavily duplicated data much more efficient -
Added a LIMMA statistical filter
Modified the GTF parser to better deal with the structure of Ensembl
GTF files. -
Changed all of the launchers so you can pass a file name to open. Allows
file extensions to be associated with seqmonk so you can open projects
by double clicking on them. -
Improve the merging of transcripts in the RNA-Seq pipeline to use
gene ids where they are present in the annotation so we don't get
spurious merging of overlapping transcripts on the same strand which
are annotated as belonging to different genes. -
Updated the genome processing scripts so that gene_ids are added to
all transcripts -
Fixed a crash in the aligned probes plot when no data stores are visible
Fixed a display bug for the list of features in the feature filter and
quantitation trend plot. -
Fixed an inefficient packing algorithm when the number of reads was too
great to be displayed within the available height of the chromosome view.