This repository contains the commands to create a docker image with TRILL reasoner.
Use the command make build
to build the container. Once done, use make run
to run it in iterative mode.
The resulting container can be also dowloaded from Docker Hub by simply running the command
docker pull rzese/trill
The container that will be downloaded or built will contain the reasoner TRILL and SWI-Prolog already installed.
In the main directory, there are KBs and scripts to run the 5 tests presented in the paper Zese R., and Cota G., Optimizing Tableau Reasoning: a Prolog-based Framework.
In each test folder, there is a README with the description of the test and the instruction to run it.
The script is used to switch among the two versions considered in the paper. It takes one argument telling which version to use.
To use the new version, run: new
To use the old version, run: old