This repo has a vagrant file to create an enterprise Vault Cluster with Consul backend. This configuration is used to learn DR and Performance Replica options. This is NOT following the reference architecture for Vault.
There are 3 Vault + Consul clusters created by the Vagrant file. Each cluster consists of 2 nodes and each node has Vault and Consul servers.
Cluster 1: Vault Primary cluster in DC1
Cluster 2: Vault Secondary DR cluster in DC2
Cluster 3: Vault Performance Replica cluster in DC3
All servers are set without TLS.
Create a folder named as ent
and copy the Consul and Vault enterprise binary zip files
2 node cluster is created with each node containing Vault and Consul servers. The server details are shown below
One of the Consul servers would become the leader. Similarly one of Vault servers would become the Active node and the other node acts as Read Replica.
2 node DR cluster is created with each node containing Vault and Consul servers. The server details are shown below
2 node Performance Replica cluster is created with each node containing Vault and Consul servers. The server details are shown below
If the ubuntu box is not available then it will take sometime to download the base box for the first time. After the initial download, servers can be destroyed and recreated quickly with Vagrant
$vagrant up
$vagrant status
To check the status of the servers ssh into one of the nodes and check the cluster members and identify the leader.
$vagrant ssh vault1
vagrant@v1: $consul members
vagrant@v1: $consul operator raft list-peers
vagrant@v1: $consul info
vagrant@v1: $vault status
Vault status would be shown as uninitialised and sealed.
Perform the following to initialise the unseal the Vault clusters. Initialisation is only required at one of the servers but unsealing needs to happen in all Vault servers.
$vagrant ssh vault1
vagrant@v1: $vault status
vagrant@v1: $vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1
vagrant@v1: $vault operator unseal <unseal-key>
vagrant@v1: $vault status
vagrant@v1: $exit
$vagrant ssh vault1
vagrant@v2: $vault operator unseal <unseal-key>
Use one of the server nodes to access the Consul UI on port 8500 and the Vault UI on port 8200. The UI for Consul will not work if the leader is not elected.
e.g., Consul UI
e.g., Vault UI
Prior to setting up DR and PR setups, configure Vault with the following.
- Setup some static secrets at multiple paths
- Create an admin policy
- Create a user for userpass authentication and attach the admin policy
vault secrets enable -path=secret-one -version=2 kv
vault secrets enable -path=secret-two -version=2 kv
vault secrets enable -path=secret-three -version=2 kv
vault secrets enable -path=secret-four -version=2 kv
vault kv put secret-one/one ver=5.1 app=test
vault kv put secret-two/two ver=5.2 app=middleware
vault kv put secret-three/three ver=5.3 app=data
vault kv put secret-four/four ver=5.4 app=k8s
vault policy write admin /vagrant/admin.hcl
vault auth enable userpass
vault write auth/userpass/users/test password=test policies=admin
Step 1. Enable DR Replication on the Primary Cluster (
vault write -f sys/replication/dr/primary/enable
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* This cluster is being enabled as a primary for replication. Vault will be
unavailable for a brief period and will resume service shortly.
Step 2. Generate the Secondary Token on the Primary Cluster (
vault write sys/replication/dr/primary/secondary-token id="drsecondary"
Key Value
--- -----
wrapping_token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImtpZCI6IiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NvciI6IiIsImFkZHIiOiJodHRwOi8vMTAuMTAwLjEuMTI6ODIwMCIsImV4cCI6MTU3MDE3Mzg0MCwiaWF0IjoxNTcwMTcyMDQwLCJqdGkiOiJzLjJIb3BLekJyNjZDUjh5ZXlvRmc1TmUwdSIsIm5iZiI6MTU3MDE3MjAzNSwidHlwZSI6IndyYXBwaW5nIn0.ARYjpEzl6xaB4C4rIUerdJrSRxcYvDQfVFw8X3WTyR-KnaWdD7AqljxBiFyE__QDhs0Q5Ki4lp8U_b_QLhiiILBKANVY28b59YMAte_yUTTVlL3KNFqiHNIM4NdEwQBlhRyHysIngbKMEbwhb4cEXHVCqha9ZrUWTDkAz4O5D4CiqVXp
wrapping_accessor: 8BlMvtASSydgetcrd3WkucBR
wrapping_token_ttl: 30m
wrapping_token_creation_time: 2019-10-04 06:54:00.022804034 +0000 UTC
wrapping_token_creation_path: sys/replication/dr/primary/secondary-token
Step 3. Enable DR Replication on the Secondary Cluster (
vault write sys/replication/dr/secondary/enable token="xxx"
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* Vault has successfully found secondary information; it may take a while to
perform setup tasks. Vault will be unavailable until these tasks and initial
sync complete.
After this DR Secondary cluster will act as a passive node but will receive the replicated data from DR Primary. Due to replication, the unseal keys for the DR Secondary will be the same as the DR Primary. This is required to promote DR Secondary as the DR Primary.
To do this, the following needs to happen.
In the PERFORMANCE PRIMARY cluster (from any node either active or standby):
Step 1. Enable the Primary for Replication.
If Primary has a loadbalancer then make sure to set the optional primary_cluster_addr parameter to port 8201. Make sure that the loadbalancer is configured for Layer 4 to pass through TCP traffic. TCP traffic on port 8201 (Primary Cluster Address) should be a pass through and should not terminate TLS. Generally, if a loadbalancer is used then both the cluster_addr and api_addr are set to the loadbalancer address in the Vault config file. Loadbalancer has to be configured to check the /v1/sys/health endpoint to look for the active node and point the traffic to it.
# 1. In the Primary Cluster issue the following
vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/enable primary_cluster_addr=https://<vault-dns-name>:8201
# or without the primary cluster addr assuming it is specified in the Vault config file
vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/enable
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* This cluster is being enabled as a primary for replication. Vault will be
unavailable for a brief period and will resume service shortly.
Step 2. Generate the Secondary Activation token
# 2. Generate the Secondary token from the Primary cluster
vault write sys/replication/performance/primary/secondary-token id="prsecondary"
Key Value
--- -----
wrapping_token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImtpZCI6IiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NvciI6IiIsImFkZHIiOiJodHRwOi8vMTAuMTAwLjEuMTI6ODIwMCIsImV4cCI6MTU3MDE3NTc5MSwiaWF0IjoxNTcwMTczOTkxLCJqdGkiOiJzLnJXbE9MOXpSNTYwTXpPMVZ2a0lNTEVheiIsIm5iZiI6MTU3MDE3Mzk4NiwidHlwZSI6IndyYXBwaW5nIn0.AOLuErGoYp22opiaSGurQx8-2TtjyQbxED-ReL92xLRGZzGDuE6Pzorwjr0p7RagbKRqIdVOJak1tANgVCza35y3AAyckJ5G3yNV-vN_ob0ycbSnMuJ0IxBi8wBxFYLmmt4_SZ04cYFpaIlIVla4eMDdrC7R6UKaL17jIP0BWA3YG6K2
wrapping_accessor: d21zpBz3ta8vBYfyFRSYsoEk
wrapping_token_ttl: 30m
wrapping_token_creation_time: 2019-10-04 07:26:31.168313652 +0000 UTC
wrapping_token_creation_path: sys/replication/performance/primary/secondary-token
In the PERFORMANCE SECONDARY cluster (from any node either active or standby):
Step 3. Activate the Secondary Token. If the Primary API address is different to the one in the secondary token then set the primary_api_addr optional field.
# 3. In the Secondary Cluster issue the following
vault write sys/replication/performance/secondary/enable token="<long-secondary-token>" primary_api_addr=https://<primary-vault-dns-name>:443
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* Vault has successfully found secondary information; it may take a while to
perform setup tasks. Vault will be unavailable until these tasks and initial
sync complete.
Perform the following in the Secondary cluster
$ vault login -method=userpass username=test
Password (will be hidden):
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.
Key Value
--- -----
token s.YySpv9BVOHI6417gg5pxrtFh
token_accessor mjhrFngsru7HmwYq4E0oKhuQ
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["admin" "default"]
identity_policies []
policies ["admin" "default"]
token_meta_username test
Test whether the logged in user can list the auth methods
$ vault token lookup
Key Value
--- -----
accessor 46RDqlcUuxAaZO0vExvCUrh0
creation_time 1570174621
creation_ttl 768h
display_name userpass-test
entity_id 1fae3ac1-c284-2307-dfe5-b68169c2fea2
expire_time 2019-11-05T07:37:01.039086601Z
explicit_max_ttl 0s
id s.ZqMbLgCXjkltlZFPkvzZvbQY
issue_time 2019-10-04T07:37:01.039086422Z
meta map[username:test]
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/userpass/login/test
policies [admin default]
renewable true
ttl 735h26m11s
type service
$ vault secrets list
Path Type Accessor Description
---- ---- -------- -----------
cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_0f6970b2 per-token private secret storage
identity/ identity identity_75c11c77 identity store
kv-1/ kv kv_df4ab8d5 n/a
kv-2/ kv kv_0af47750 n/a
secret-four/ kv kv_01ecb1e9 n/a
secret-one/ kv kv_a526acd5 n/a
secret-three/ kv kv_e8a0b8be n/a
secret-two/ kv kv_d9d83f62 n/a
sys/ system system_3ec7944f system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging
Check the status of Replication in all the clusters.
Issue the following in the Primary cluster which acts as the DR Primary and PR Primary.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "d0c05672-0e43-a2f7-f30a-d45fb51204a3",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 25874,
"merkle_root": "f56bea609802c1eeec381e9313a12eed0589bd84",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 25874,
"merkle_root": "316f43188a6b81520da25402d0206c3d29bb3da7",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"warnings": null
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "25c0047a-1b67-1f23-5157-97e037e17caa",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570172170",
"last_remote_wal": 25874,
"merkle_root": "f56bea609802c1eeec381e9313a12eed0589bd84",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "drsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"performance": {
"mode": "disabled"
"warnings": null
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "a4f05ac9-6ba4-83cf-5270-4f6dc8424923",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570174228",
"last_remote_wal": 25875,
"merkle_root": "2bb4dbeca0382e19b61f3d8cf3315adea51f3474",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "prsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"warnings": null
Primary has 2 nodes and the current active node at is shutdown. This has updated node as the active node. This should update the known_primary_cluster_addr filed in both DR and PR clusters.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "9ec53510-519d-7870-ce23-1c24a79000fe",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570172170",
"last_remote_wal": 25976,
"merkle_root": "b7e1f1d36e4e5d725e86f95449ab8a2ce10c3bd3",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "drsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"performance": {
"mode": "disabled"
"warnings": null
Note that the primary_cluster_addr is not changed as it is set at the time of initial bootstrap.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "ff00cc63-4bd2-775c-4ba8-5eb9046cb47f",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570174228",
"last_remote_wal": 25974,
"merkle_root": "576cfb3b28975c9bdbe3f9b6812a54788cdfc135",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "prsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"warnings": null
Shutdown the last node of the primary cluster. This should stop all replications from the current Primary cluster.
sudo systemctl stop vault
The known_primary_cluster_addrs is not updated after shutting down the DR Primary cluster
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "9994d8a8-1a30-76da-db88-315875fde707",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570172170",
"last_remote_wal": 26433,
"merkle_root": "ce91323ad68e56c2d1826e8007d0139a051bed13",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "drsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"performance": {
"mode": "disabled"
"warnings": null
The known_primary_cluster_addrs is not updated after shutting down the DR Primary cluster
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "d261df73-22aa-cd8f-db1c-7c5ea67ff46e",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570174228",
"last_remote_wal": 26433,
"merkle_root": "c6af199949714f98ee9db3330609ee5501313176",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "prsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"warnings": null
Promote DR Secondary as the new DR Primary. Then check the replication status.
Step 1. Generate a One Time Password to generate a DR Operation Token
vault operator generate-root -dr-token -init
A One-Time-Password has been generated for you and is shown in the OTP field.
You will need this value to decode the resulting root token, so keep it safe.
Nonce 1bbf4848-975b-3ea4-977f-3ebab7e3e2fa
Started true
Progress 0/1
Complete false
OTP qZkG8AAgu4l5KOdypXG1TQS8lz
OTP Length 26
Step 2. Generate the encoded DR token by providing all the required threshold for the Unseal key. Use the Nonce from the output of Step 1. When prompted for the Unseal Key, input the unseal key of the original DR Primary's unseal key.
vault operator generate-root -dr-token -nonce=1bbf4848-975b-3ea4-977f-3ebab7e3e2fa
Operation nonce: 1bbf4848-975b-3ea4-977f-3ebab7e3e2fa
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Nonce 1bbf4848-975b-3ea4-977f-3ebab7e3e2fa
Started true
Progress 1/1
Complete true
Encoded Token AnQ+CEkZCyEcUit5fnoiEBI8I1MYFSlXBE4
Step 3. Use the One-Time Password from Step 1 to decode the encoded DR Token from Step 2.
vault operator generate-root -dr-token -decode="AnQ+CEkZCyEcUit5fnoiEBI8I1MYFSlXBE4" -otp="qZkG8AAgu4l5KOdypXG1TQS8lz"
Step 4. Promote the DR Secondary as DR Primary
vault write /sys/replication/dr/secondary/promote dr_operation_token=s.UOqXJFifGL55FibddbLDzoh4
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* This cluster is being promoted to a replication primary. Vault will be
unavailable for a brief period and will resume service shortly.
DR Secondary is now become the DR Primary.
Do the Replication status on this new DR Primary and the existing PR Secondary to check the details including known_primary_cluster_addrs.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "ffddb924-7310-74fc-5256-d0f57a1848d9",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_secondaries": [],
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 26363,
"merkle_root": "9ae04165be9ed3b0eb9144d86ddcfed1b37b3015",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 26363,
"merkle_root": "c6af199949714f98ee9db3330609ee5501313176",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"warnings": null
Note that both the DR & PR mode show that this cluster is marked as DR Primary and PR Primary respectively.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "3dcaf298-8e6e-8a30-635f-57f6488bbde2",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_primary_cluster_addrs": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "1570174228",
"last_remote_wal": 26433,
"merkle_root": "0d68081c7db7aa6bcc9bfeffc27063f16861632f",
"mode": "secondary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"secondary_id": "prsecondary",
"state": "stream-wals"
"warnings": null
The known_primary_cluster_addrs is showing the promoted DR Primary cluster at This is done automatically and Replication from the new PR Primary to PR Secondary is continuing without any further manual configuration.
Bring up the Old Primary cluster node and disable DR and Performance Replication so that the secondaries will not connect to the old Primary.
Step 1. Start Vault
sudo systemctl start vault
Step 2. Unseal Vault using the original unseal key
vault operator unseal <unseal_key>
Step 3. Check the replication status The old replication config should be displayed when the Replication status is checked
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "f980caaa-6e26-c682-6a4f-ed7fb46bd7be",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"cluster_id": "af14c14a-4f45-69b3-2216-6e195dec5cc9",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 26434,
"merkle_root": "2992208c795d4ba772402ec22f9ef31a056f0b33",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 26434,
"merkle_root": "c6af199949714f98ee9db3330609ee5501313176",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"warnings": null
Step 4. Disable DR Replication
vault write -f sys/replication/dr/primary/disable
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* This cluster is having replication disabled. Vault will be unavailable for
a brief period and will resume service shortly.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "c19f1bcd-80c0-93cb-b5a7-c3fc6051d73e",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"cluster_id": "37f97841-739a-40f4-cb13-f043e748ea74",
"known_secondaries": [
"last_reindex_epoch": "0",
"last_wal": 26435,
"merkle_root": "c6af199949714f98ee9db3330609ee5501313176",
"mode": "primary",
"primary_cluster_addr": "",
"state": "running"
"warnings": null
The above shows that the DR mode is disabled but the Performance is still enabled.
Step 5. Disable Performance Replication
vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/disable
WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:
* This cluster is having replication disabled. Vault will be unavailable for
a brief period and will resume service shortly.
vault read -format=json sys/replication/status
"request_id": "9aa1d13e-34d7-1415-ed74-a7104e274ac5",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"dr": {
"mode": "disabled"
"performance": {
"mode": "disabled"
"warnings": null
Now performance replication mode is disabled