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ryanInf authored Jan 21, 2018
1 parent 056061f commit 338e5e7
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,570 additions and 0 deletions.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2017/12/11 11:08
# @Author : zhm
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
from pprint import pprint

class Lunar:
def __init__(self, lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, isleap):
self.isleap = isleap
self.lunarDay = lunarDay
self.lunarMonth = lunarMonth
self.lunarYear = lunarYear

class Solar:
def __init__(self, solarYear, solarMonth, solarDay):
self.solarDay = solarDay
self.solarMonth = solarMonth
self.solarYear = solarYear

def GetBitInt(data, length, shift):
return (data & (((1 << length) - 1) << shift)) >> shift

def SolarToInt(y, m, d):
m = (m + 9) % 12
y -= m / 10
return 365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + (m * 306 + 5) / 10 + (d - 1)

def SolarFromInt(g):
y = (10000 * g + 14780) / 3652425
ddd = g - (365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400)
if ddd < 0:
y -= 1
ddd = g - (365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400)

mi = (100 * ddd + 52) / 3060
mm = (mi + 2) % 12 + 1
y += (mi + 2) / 12
dd = ddd - (mi * 306 + 5) / 10 + 1
solar = Solar(y, mm, dd)
return solar

class LunarSolarConverter:
# 1888~2111年农历数据表
# 农历数据 每个元素的存储格式如下:
# 16~13 12 11~0
# 闰几月 闰月日数 1~12月份农历日数(大小月)
# 注:1、bit0表示农历1月份日数,为1表示30天,为0表示29天。bit1表示农历2月份日数,依次类推。
# 2、bit12表示闰月日数,1为30天,0为29天。bit16~bit13表示第几月是闰月(注:为0表示该年无闰月)
# 数据来源参考:
lunar_month_days = [1887, 0x1694, 0x16aa, 0x4ad5, 0xab6, 0xc4b7, 0x4ae, 0xa56, 0xb52a,
0x1d2a, 0xd54, 0x75aa, 0x156a, 0x1096d, 0x95c, 0x14ae, 0xaa4d, 0x1a4c, 0x1b2a, 0x8d55,
0xad4, 0x135a, 0x495d,
0x95c, 0xd49b, 0x149a, 0x1a4a, 0xbaa5, 0x16a8, 0x1ad4, 0x52da, 0x12b6, 0xe937, 0x92e,
0x1496, 0xb64b, 0xd4a,
0xda8, 0x95b5, 0x56c, 0x12ae, 0x492f, 0x92e, 0xcc96, 0x1a94, 0x1d4a, 0xada9, 0xb5a, 0x56c,
0x726e, 0x125c,
0xf92d, 0x192a, 0x1a94, 0xdb4a, 0x16aa, 0xad4, 0x955b, 0x4ba, 0x125a, 0x592b, 0x152a,
0xf695, 0xd94, 0x16aa,
0xaab5, 0x9b4, 0x14b6, 0x6a57, 0xa56, 0x1152a, 0x1d2a, 0xd54, 0xd5aa, 0x156a, 0x96c,
0x94ae, 0x14ae, 0xa4c,
0x7d26, 0x1b2a, 0xeb55, 0xad4, 0x12da, 0xa95d, 0x95a, 0x149a, 0x9a4d, 0x1a4a, 0x11aa5,
0x16a8, 0x16d4,
0xd2da, 0x12b6, 0x936, 0x9497, 0x1496, 0x1564b, 0xd4a, 0xda8, 0xd5b4, 0x156c, 0x12ae,
0xa92f, 0x92e, 0xc96,
0x6d4a, 0x1d4a, 0x10d65, 0xb58, 0x156c, 0xb26d, 0x125c, 0x192c, 0x9a95, 0x1a94, 0x1b4a,
0x4b55, 0xad4,
0xf55b, 0x4ba, 0x125a, 0xb92b, 0x152a, 0x1694, 0x96aa, 0x15aa, 0x12ab5, 0x974, 0x14b6,
0xca57, 0xa56, 0x1526,
0x8e95, 0xd54, 0x15aa, 0x49b5, 0x96c, 0xd4ae, 0x149c, 0x1a4c, 0xbd26, 0x1aa6, 0xb54,
0x6d6a, 0x12da, 0x1695d,
0x95a, 0x149a, 0xda4b, 0x1a4a, 0x1aa4, 0xbb54, 0x16b4, 0xada, 0x495b, 0x936, 0xf497,
0x1496, 0x154a, 0xb6a5,
0xda4, 0x15b4, 0x6ab6, 0x126e, 0x1092f, 0x92e, 0xc96, 0xcd4a, 0x1d4a, 0xd64, 0x956c,
0x155c, 0x125c, 0x792e,
0x192c, 0xfa95, 0x1a94, 0x1b4a, 0xab55, 0xad4, 0x14da, 0x8a5d, 0xa5a, 0x1152b, 0x152a,
0x1694, 0xd6aa,
0x15aa, 0xab4, 0x94ba, 0x14b6, 0xa56, 0x7527, 0xd26, 0xee53, 0xd54, 0x15aa, 0xa9b5, 0x96c,
0x14ae, 0x8a4e,
0x1a4c, 0x11d26, 0x1aa4, 0x1b54, 0xcd6a, 0xada, 0x95c, 0x949d, 0x149a, 0x1a2a, 0x5b25,
0x1aa4, 0xfb52,
0x16b4, 0xaba, 0xa95b, 0x936, 0x1496, 0x9a4b, 0x154a, 0x136a5, 0xda4, 0x15ac]
# 额外添加数据,方便快速计算阴历转阳历 每个元素的存储格式如下:
# 12~7 6~5 4~0
# 离元旦多少天 春节月 春节日
solar_1_1 = [1887, 0xec04c, 0xec23f, 0xec435, 0xec649, 0xec83e, 0xeca51, 0xecc46, 0xece3a,
0xed04d, 0xed242, 0xed436, 0xed64a, 0xed83f, 0xeda53, 0xedc48, 0xede3d, 0xee050, 0xee244, 0xee439,
0xee842, 0xeea36, 0xeec4a, 0xeee3e, 0xef052, 0xef246, 0xef43a, 0xef64e, 0xef843, 0xefa37, 0xefc4b,
0xf0054, 0xf0248, 0xf043c, 0xf0650, 0xf0845, 0xf0a38, 0xf0c4d, 0xf0e42, 0xf1037, 0xf124a, 0xf143e,
0xf1846, 0xf1a3a, 0xf1c4e, 0xf1e44, 0xf2038, 0xf224b, 0xf243f, 0xf2653, 0xf2848, 0xf2a3b, 0xf2c4f,
0xf3039, 0xf324d, 0xf3442, 0xf3636, 0xf384a, 0xf3a3d, 0xf3c51, 0xf3e46, 0xf403b, 0xf424e, 0xf4443,
0xf484c, 0xf4a3f, 0xf4c52, 0xf4e48, 0xf503c, 0xf524f, 0xf5445, 0xf5639, 0xf584d, 0xf5a42, 0xf5c35,
0xf603e, 0xf6251, 0xf6446, 0xf663b, 0xf684f, 0xf6a43, 0xf6c37, 0xf6e4b, 0xf703f, 0xf7252, 0xf7447,
0xf7850, 0xf7a45, 0xf7c39, 0xf7e4d, 0xf8042, 0xf8254, 0xf8449, 0xf863d, 0xf8851, 0xf8a46, 0xf8c3b,
0xf9044, 0xf9237, 0xf944a, 0xf963f, 0xf9853, 0xf9a47, 0xf9c3c, 0xf9e50, 0xfa045, 0xfa238, 0xfa44c,
0xfa836, 0xfaa49, 0xfac3d, 0xfae52, 0xfb047, 0xfb23a, 0xfb44e, 0xfb643, 0xfb837, 0xfba4a, 0xfbc3f,
0xfc048, 0xfc23c, 0xfc450, 0xfc645, 0xfc839, 0xfca4c, 0xfcc41, 0xfce36, 0xfd04a, 0xfd23d, 0xfd451,
0xfd83a, 0xfda4d, 0xfdc43, 0xfde37, 0xfe04b, 0xfe23f, 0xfe453, 0xfe648, 0xfe83c, 0xfea4f, 0xfec44,
0xff04c, 0xff241, 0xff436, 0xff64a, 0xff83e, 0xffa51, 0xffc46, 0xffe3a, 0x10004e, 0x100242,
0x10064b, 0x100841, 0x100a53, 0x100c48, 0x100e3c, 0x10104f, 0x101244, 0x101438, 0x10164c,
0x101842, 0x101a35,
0x101c49, 0x101e3d, 0x102051, 0x102245, 0x10243a, 0x10264e, 0x102843, 0x102a37, 0x102c4b,
0x102e3f, 0x103053,
0x103247, 0x10343b, 0x10364f, 0x103845, 0x103a38, 0x103c4c, 0x103e42, 0x104036, 0x104249,
0x10443d, 0x104651,
0x104846, 0x104a3a, 0x104c4e, 0x104e43, 0x105038, 0x10524a, 0x10543e, 0x105652, 0x105847,
0x105a3b, 0x105c4f,
0x105e45, 0x106039, 0x10624c, 0x106441, 0x106635, 0x106849, 0x106a3d, 0x106c51, 0x106e47,
0x10703c, 0x10724f,
0x107444, 0x107638, 0x10784c, 0x107a3f, 0x107c53, 0x107e48]

def LunarToSolar(self, lunar):
days = LunarSolarConverter.lunar_month_days[lunar.lunarYear - LunarSolarConverter.lunar_month_days[0]]
leap = GetBitInt(days, 4, 13)
offset = 0
loopend = leap
if not lunar.isleap:

if lunar.lunarMonth <= leap or leap == 0:

loopend = lunar.lunarMonth - 1


loopend = lunar.lunarMonth

for i in range(0, loopend):
offset += GetBitInt(days, 1, 12 - i) == 1 and 30 or 29

offset += lunar.lunarDay

solar11 = LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[lunar.lunarYear - LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[0]]

y = GetBitInt(solar11, 12, 9)
m = GetBitInt(solar11, 4, 5)
d = GetBitInt(solar11, 5, 0)

return SolarFromInt(SolarToInt(y, m, d) + offset - 1)

def SolarToLunar(self, solar):

lunar = Lunar(0, 0, 0, False)
index = solar.solarYear - LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[0]
data = (solar.solarYear << 9) | (solar.solarMonth << 5) | solar.solarDay
if LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[index] > data:
index -= 1

solar11 = LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[index]
y = GetBitInt(solar11, 12, 9)
m = GetBitInt(solar11, 4, 5)
d = GetBitInt(solar11, 5, 0)
offset = SolarToInt(solar.solarYear, solar.solarMonth, solar.solarDay) - SolarToInt(y, m, d)

days = LunarSolarConverter.lunar_month_days[index]
leap = GetBitInt(days, 4, 13)

lunarY = index + LunarSolarConverter.solar_1_1[0]
lunarM = 1
offset += 1

for i in range(0, 13):

dm = GetBitInt(days, 1, 12 - i) == 1 and 30 or 29
if offset > dm:

lunarM += 1
offset -= dm



lunarD = int(offset)
lunar.lunarYear = lunarY
lunar.lunarMonth = lunarM
lunar.isleap = False
if leap != 0 and lunarM > leap:

lunar.lunarMonth = lunarM - 1
if lunarM == leap + 1:
lunar.isleap = True

lunar.lunarDay = lunarD
return lunar

def __init__(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
converter = LunarSolarConverter()
solar = Solar(2111, 1, 25)
lunar = converter.SolarToLunar(solar)
solar = converter.LunarToSolar(lunar)
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## 说明:

## 安装方式:
1) cd到当前目录
2) python install


## 使用方法
1) 时间点(timestamp,表示某一具体时间时间描述);
2) 时间量(timedelta,表示时间的增量的时间描述);
3) 时间区间(timespan,有具体起始和结束时间点的时间区间)。

1) 在resource目录下的holi_lunar(阴历)或holi_solar(阳历)文件内按照格式加入新增的节日名称和日期
2) 在resource目录下的regex.txt文件内加入相应节日的正则匹配,并删除regex.pkl缓存文件
3) 在TimeUnit类中的norm_setHoliday方法同样加入节日的正则匹配
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2017/11/20 16:27
# @Author : zhm
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm

# 范围时间的默认时间点
class RangeTimeEnum():
day_break = 3 # 黎明
early_morning = 8 # 早
morning = 10 # 上午
noon = 12 # 中午、午间
afternoon = 15 # 下午、午后
night = 18 # 晚上、傍晚
lateNight = 20 # 晚、晚间
midNight = 23 # 深夜

if __name__ == "__main__":

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