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<span class="subtitle"><p>Segmentation fault due to lack of bound check</p>

<dt id="reported">Reported</dt>
<time datetime="2025-01-13">
January 13, 2025

<dt id="issued">Issued</dt>
<time datetime="2025-01-29">
January 29, 2025


<dt id="package">Package</dt>

<a href="/packages/fast-float2.html">fast-float2</a>
(<a href=""></a>)


<dt id="type">Type</dt>



<dt id="categories">Categories</dt>

<li><a href="/categories/memory-exposure.html">memory-exposure</a></li>


<dt id="details">References</dt>

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<dt id="patched">Patched</dt>






<dt>Affected Functions</dt>





<h3 id="description">Description</h3>
<p>In this case, the &quot;fast_float2::common::AsciiStr::first&quot; method within the &quot;AsciiStr&quot; struct
uses the unsafe keyword to reading from memory without performing bounds checking.
Specifically, it directly dereferences a pointer offset by &quot;self.ptr&quot;.
Because of the above reason, the method accesses invalid memory address when it takes an empty string as its input.
This approach violates Rust’s memory safety guarantees, as it can lead to invalid memory access if empty buffer is provided.</p>

<p id="license" class="license">Advisory available under <a href="">CC0-1.0</a>

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<span class="subtitle"><p>Segmentation fault due to lack of bound check</p>

<dt id="reported">Reported</dt>
<time datetime="2025-01-13">
January 13, 2025

<dt id="issued">Issued</dt>
<time datetime="2025-01-29">
January 29, 2025


<dt id="package">Package</dt>

<a href="/packages/fast-float.html">fast-float</a>
(<a href=""></a>)


<dt id="type">Type</dt>



<dt id="categories">Categories</dt>

<li><a href="/categories/memory-exposure.html">memory-exposure</a></li>


<dt id="details">References</dt>

<a href="">


<dt id="patched">Patched</dt>

no patched versions



<dt>Affected Functions</dt>





<h3 id="description">Description</h3>
<p>In this case, the &quot;fast_float::common::AsciiStr::first&quot; method within the &quot;AsciiStr&quot; struct
uses the unsafe keyword to reading from memory without performing bounds checking.
Specifically, it directly dereferences a pointer offset by &quot;self.ptr&quot;.
Because of the above reason, the method accesses invalid memory address when it takes an empty string as its input.
This approach violates Rust’s memory safety guarantees, as it can lead to invalid memory access if empty buffer is provided.</p>
<p>No patched version for fast-float crate has been released, but a patch is available in the fast-float2 fork.</p>

<p id="license" class="license">Advisory available under <a href="">CC0-1.0</a>


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