An addon/plugin package to provide server-sent events functionality for AdonisJS 4.0+
adonis install adonisjs-sse
Setup serve-sent events route inside start/routes.js
/** @type {typeof import('@adonisjs/framework/src/Route/Manager')} */
const Route = use('Route');
Route.get('/stream', ({ source }) => {
// send a server-sent events comment
source.send("Hello AdonisJS", '!This is a comment!');
})//.middleware(['eventsource']);'/send/email', 'NotificationsController.sendEmail')
See the file for the complete installation steps and follow as stated.
HINT: It would be much easier and better to make the
middleware a global middleware
Setup a controller to dispatch server-sent events to the browser using the
method like so:
/** @type {typeof import('@adonisjs/mail/src/Mail')} */
const Mail = use('Mail')
class NotificationsController {
async sendEmail ({ request, auth, source }){
let input = request.only([
let { id, email, fullname } = await auth.getUser();
let error = false
await Mail.send(
{ fullname }, (message) => {
message.from('[email protected]')
message.subject('Ticket Creation Job Status')
error = true
ticket_reciever: id,
ticket_creator: input.ticket_user_id,
ticket_mail_status: `email sent ${error ? 'un' : ''}successfuly`
}, null, 'update')
module.exports = NotificationsController
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Polyfill for older browsers without native support for the HTML5 EventSource API. -->
<script src=""></script>
let stream = new EventSource("");
stream.onmessage = function(e){
console.log("Data: ",;
npm i
npm run lint
npm run test
See the file for info
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