fluxday is a task & productivity management application ideal for fast growing startups and small companies. fluxday was developed by Foradian starting in 2014 and was a critical part of the company’s hyper growth and success. fluxday was opensourced by Foradian in May 2016 to help more startups use the power of a no-nonsense productivity tracking tool.
fluxday is engineered based on the concepts of OKR - Objectives and Key Results, invented and made popular by John Doerr. OKRs and OKR tools are used today by many companies, including Google, LinkedIn and Twitter
- Managing and Tracking OKRs
- Creating, assigning and tracking tasks
- Maintaining log of time spent by employees
- Generating different types of reports, and in different formats
- Analyzing progress and productivity of your company, its departments, teams and employees
- OAuth server with filtered access to users
Visit the official website for more info
“through discipline comes freedom” - aristotle
Fluxday is released under Apache License 2.0
- Ruby 2.1.0
- MySQL or MariaDB server
- Imagemagick
- wkhtmltopdf (To be downloaded from this website and placed in lib folder)
git clone https://github.com/foradian/fluxday.git
Once the specified version of Ruby is installed with all its dependencies satisfied, run the following command from the root directory of the application.
gem install bundler
bundle install
For google authentication, you need to set up the corresponding key, secret, callback url etc. The application loads these informations from the file config/app_config.yml The sample configuration is available at config/app_config.yml.example (You can simply copy this file to app_config.yml to run Fluxday without google authentication).
cp config/app_config.yml.example config/app_config.yml
Modify the database credentials in config/database.yml . Now you can create the database and perform migrations
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Fluxday will populate the database with an admin user entry when we run the seed.
rake db:seed
You can start the Rails server using
rails server
Fluxday can be accessed from the browser by navigating to http://localhost:3000.
Email: [email protected]
Password: password