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RhinoMocksToMoqRewriter supports the following conversions:

Rhino.Mocks Moq
MockRepository.GenerateMock<T>() new Mock<T>()
MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<T> (args) new Mock<T> (args) { CallBase = true }
MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<T>() new Mock<T> (MockBehavior.Strict)
MockRepository.GenerateStub<T>() new Mock<T>()
Arg.Is (object) object
Arg<T>.Is.Equal (object) object
Arg<T>.Is.Anything It.IsAny<T>()
Arg<T>.Is.NotNull It.IsNotNull<T>()
Arg<T>.Is.Null null
Arg<T>.Is.Same (object) object
Arg<T>.Is.NotSame (object) It.Is<T> (_ => _ != object)
Arg<T>.Is.GreaterThan(objectToCompare) It.Is<T> (_ => _ > objectToCompare)
Arg<T>.Is.GreaterThanOrEqual (objectToCompare) It.Is<T> (_ => _ >= objectToCompare)
Arg<T>.Is.LessThan (objectToCompare) It.Is<T> (_ => _ < objectToCompare)
Arg<T>.Is.LessThanOrEqual (objectToCompare) It.Is<T> (_ => _ <= objectToCompare)
Arg<T>.Matches (expression) It.Is<T> (expression)
Arg<T[]>.List.Equal (object) object
Arg<T[]>.List.IsIn (item) It.Is<T> (_ => _.Contains(item)))
Arg<T[]>.List.ContainsAll (object) It.Is<T> (_ => object.All(_.Contains))
Arg.Text.Like (string) string
private T object private Mock<T> object^1
private T object private Mock<T> object^1
.VerifyAllExpectations() .Verify()
.VerifyAll() .Verify()^2
.AssertWasCalled (expression) .Verify (expression, Times.AtLeastOnce())^3
.AssertWasNotCalled (expression) .Verify (expression, Times.Never())^3
.Expect (expression) .Setup (expression)
.Stub (expression) .Setup (expression)
.Return (object) .Returns (object)
.Callback (callback) .Callback (callback)
.WhenCalled (callback) .Callback (callback)
.Throw (exception) .Throws (exception)
.Do (callback) .Callback (callback)
.SetupResult.For (expression) Expect.Call (expression).Repeat.Any()
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.Equal (object) object.Equals (_, object)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.NotEqual (object) !object.Equals (_, object)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.Same (object) object.ReferenceEquals (_, object)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.NotSame (object) !object.ReferenceEquals (_, object)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.GreaterThan (object) _ > object
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.GreaterThanOrEqual (object) _ >= object
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.LessThan(object) _ < object
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.LessThanOrEqual (object) _ <= object
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.Null() _ == null
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.NotNull() _ != null
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.List.IsIn (object) _.Contains (obejct)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.List.ContainsAll (collection) collection.All (_.Contains)
Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Property.Value ("Property", Value) _ != null && object.Equals (_.Property, Value)^4
.Constraints (constraints) Arg<T>.Matches (constraints)
.IgnoreArguments() mock.Method (It.IsAny<T>())
.LastCall() Expect.Call (() => lastCalledMockMethod)^5
.Repeat.Any() -
.Repeat.Once() Times.Once()^6
.Repeat.Twice() Times.Exactly (2)^6
.Repeat.AtLeastOnce() Times.AtLeastOnce()^6
.Repeat.Times (min, max) Times.Between (min, max)^6
Expect.Call (expression) .Expect (expression)
.BackToRecordAll() MockExtensions.Reset(Mock)
using (mockRepository.Ordered())
var sequence1 = new MockSequence();
mock.InSequence (sequence1).Expect());


^1 The type of the fields won't be automatically converted if theres at least one field inside the declaration, which is no mock.

^2 Insert .Verify() for every mock that has been created with the calling MockRepository.

^3 AssertWasCalled and AssertWasNotCalled can also be called with an additional options parameter. This parameter will not be converted.

^4 Rhino.Mocks automatically returns false if the the property or the object itself is null, if theres an additional null check e.g. Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Is.NotNull() & Rhino.Mocks.Constraints.Property.Value ("A", 42) the rewrite fails, and both constraints will be skipped.

^5 The rewrite fails if the last called mock method is not inside the same method body as the LastCall methodcall.

^6 The Times expression will be inserted into the .Verify e.g. mock.Verify (mock.Method(), Times.Once()). If Repeat.Times contains a more complex expression e.g. (x-3*1) it will be replaced with "Unable to convert times expression" which a results in a compile time error.

Tips for manually fixing the code after the transformation

  • .Record() and .Playback() are currently not supported.
  • When using the Repeat Keyword, the expectation will be set up n times. After the nth call the default value will be returned.
  • In Rhino.Mocks the first expectation is not overwritten, unless it is a StrictMock, in this case the first setup is used for the first call and the second setup is used for the second call and so on.
mock.Expect (_ => _.A).Return (1);
mock.Expect (_ => _.A).Return (2);

mock.A; // returns 1
mock.A; // still returns 1

strictMock.Expect (_ => _.A).Return (1);
strictMock.Expect (_ => _.A).Return (2);

strictMock.A; // returns 1
strictMock.A; // returns 2
  • A previously set Expectation can also be reset using the BackToRecordAll method.
  • In Rhino.Mocks CallOriginalMethod calls the original method. For this call the mock behaves like a PartialMock. To achieve this behaviour in Moq one can insert Callbase = true; bevore and Callbase = false; after the method invocation.
rhinoMocksMock.Expect (_ => _.DoSomething()).CallOriginalMethod();
Callbase = true;
moqMock.Setup (_ => _.DoSomething());
Callbase = false;
  • In Moq a previous Setup can be replaced by a new one at any time.
moqMock.Setup (_ => _.A).Return (1);
moqMock.Setup (_ => _.A).Return (2);

moqMock.A; // returns 2

Known Issues


  • LastCall calls the last called mock, since the mock does not have to be in the current method (or class), it is not always possible to automatically convert the statement.
  • Helperfunctions make it significanlty harder for the tool to automatically rewrite mocks from Rhino.Mocks to Moq.


  • Sometimes it happens, that instead of one whitespace two whitespaces get inserted, this can be easily fixed by searching this . \( pattern and replacing it with this . \(
mock.DoSomething  ("abc"); // wrong
mock.DoSomething ("abc");  // correct
  • It can happen that the NewLine character in mulitline statements can be lost during transformation.
  • The [Test] Attribute can also lose its indentation. A wrongly formatted Attribute could look like this:
    public vod Test ()

An easy solution would be to seach for a NewLine character followed by an [Test] attribute e.g.



Move in the same directory as the .nupkg file and run the following command:

dotnet tool install --global --add-source . RhinoMocksToMoqRewriter


RhinoMocksToMoqRewriter is a simple command line application and supports the following arguments:

-S, --Solution  Path to a solution file (.sln)

-P, --Project   Path to a project file (.csproj)

Recommended Migration Process

  1. Prepare the code before starting the migration process (optional)
    • Inline Helperfunctions
    • Change the Type of mocked properties to Mock<type>
  2. Install Moq
  3. Run the tool
  4. Fix formatting errors
  5. Fix compiler errors
  6. Fix failing unit tests


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