In this repository are files using the Ruby programming language, That were/are part of my journey with language.
Among these files are:
- Course Codes
- Independent Questions
- Challenges
Some courses and exercises use only Ruby, while others use Rails, they are separate for each one.
The versions used for both Ruby and Rails are different depending on the course because they were made at different times and as new versions of the language and framework are released.
If you want to test the code, it is recommended to use the indicated version to avoid errors.
Ruby versions can be installed through the language's official website Ruby.
The installed version can be viewed with the following command:
ruby --version
Rails can be installed using this command:
gem install rails
The installed version can be viewed with the following command:
rails --version
Some courses used are free and easily accessible, in addition to being online, in video or text format. Others can be paid but can be accessed through the code in this repository, as I don't have the rights beyond the code I produced during the course. Paid courses are ticked.
The courses marked with the following emoji: are Brazilian courses and/or that are in Portuguese.
The Ruby version used is 3.1.2p20.
The guru-sp tutorial is available on the page Ruby - Mais um tutorial.
The tutorial is divided into parts that here in the repository are in guru-sp. Inside the folder are the tutorial subdivisions (numbered parts related to the tutorial).
The Ruby version used is 3.1.2p20.
The OneBitCode tutorial is available in the youtube playlist Curso completo de Ruby.
The tutorial is divided into ten videos in the youtube playlist and its codes here in this repositorio can be found in onebitcode. Inside there are sub-folders separated by video/content.
The Ruby version used is 3.2.0. The Rails version used is 7.0.4.
The recommended versions of the course are Ruby 2.6.10 and Rails 5x, but it's been done on the most up-to-date versions at the moment.
The Ruby on Rails 5.x - Do início ao fim! tutorial is available on the page Ruby on Rails 5.x - Do início ao fim! - Udemy.
The tutorial is divided into modules that here in the repository are in rails-udemy. Inside the folder are the tutorial subdivisions (numbered parts related to the tutorial).
These are independent exercises found over the internet, they are usually divided into numbered lists, or with an indication of origin.
The challenges are usually larger and more complex, some have their own repositories that will be referenced here.
- uri
- quadratic-equation (A solo challenge where the program is given a quadratic equation calculates using bhaskara's formula, and shows how many and what are the real roots of the equation.)