This crate is meant to provide a quick and simple way to integrate a runtime javacript or typescript component from within rust.
- By default, the code being run is entirely sandboxed from the host, having no filesystem or network access.
- It can be extended to include those capabilities and more if desired - please see the 'web' feature, and the
- It can be extended to include those capabilities and more if desired - please see the 'web' feature, and the
- Asynchronous JS code is supported (I suggest using the timeout option when creating your runtime)
- Loaded JS modules can import other modules
- Typescript is supported by default, and will be transpiled into JS for execution
Here is a very basic use of this crate to execute a JS module. It will:
- Create a basic runtime
- Load a javascript module,
- Call a function registered as the entrypoint
- Return the resulting value
use rustyscript::{json_args, Runtime, Module, Error};
let module = Module::new(
(string, integer) => {
console.log(`Hello world: string=${string}, integer=${integer}`);
return 2;
let value: usize = Runtime::execute_module(
&module, vec![],
json_args!("test", 5)
assert_eq!(value, 2);
Modules can also be loaded from the filesystem with Module::load
or Module::load_dir
if you want to collect all modules in a given directory.
If all you need is the result of a single javascript expression, you can use:
let result: i64 = rustyscript::evaluate("5 + 5").expect("The expression was invalid!");
Or to just import a single module for use:
use rustyscript::{json_args, import};
let mut module = import("js/my_module.js").expect("Something went wrong!");
let value: String ="exported_function_name", json_args!()).expect("Could not get a value!");
There are a few other utilities included, such as rustyscript::validate
and rustyscript::resolve_path
A more detailed version of the crate's usage can be seen below, which breaks down the steps instead of using the one-liner Runtime::execute_module
use rustyscript::{json_args, Runtime, RuntimeOptions, Module, Error, Undefined};
use std::time::Duration;
let module = Module::new(
let internalValue = 0;
export const load = (value) => internalValue = value;
export const getValue = () => internalValue;
// Create a new runtime
let mut runtime = Runtime::new(RuntimeOptions {
timeout: Duration::from_millis(50), // Stop execution by force after 50ms
default_entrypoint: Some("load".to_string()), // Run this as the entrypoint function if none is registered
// The handle returned is used to get exported functions and values from that module.
// We then call the entrypoint function, but do not need a return value.
//Load can be called multiple times, and modules can import other loaded modules
// Using `import './filename.js'`
let module_handle = runtime.load_module(&module)?;
runtime.call_entrypoint::<Undefined>(&module_handle, json_args!(2))?;
// Functions don't need to be the entrypoint to be callable!
let internal_value: i64 = runtime.call_function(&module_handle, "getValue", json_args!())?;
Rust functions can also be registered to be called from javascript:
use rustyscript::{ Runtime, Module, serde_json::Value };
let module = Module::new("test.js", "; ");
let mut runtime = Runtime::new(Default::default())?;
runtime.register_function("foo", |args, _state| {
if let Some(value) = args.get(0) {
println!("called with: {}", value);
For better performance calling rust code, consider using an extension instead - see the runtime_extensions
example for details
The 'state' parameter can be used to persist data - please see the call_rust_from_js
example for details
These functions provide simple one-liner access to common features of this crate:
- evaluate; Evaluate a single JS expression and return the resulting value
- import; Get a handle to a JS module from which you can get exported values and functions
- resolve_path; Resolve a relative path to the current working dir
- validate; Validate the syntax of a JS expression
The table below lists the available features for this crate. Features marked at Preserves Sandbox: NO
break isolation between loaded JS modules and the host system.
Use with caution.
Please note that the web
feature will also enable fs_import and url_import, allowing arbitrary filesystem and network access for import statements
Feature | Description | Preserves Sandbox | Dependencies |
console | Provides console.* functionality from JS |
yes | deno_console |
crypto | Provides crypto.* functionality from JS |
yes | deno_crypto, deno_webidl |
url | Provides the URL, and URLPattern APIs from within JS | yes | deno_webidl, deno_url |
io | Provides IO primitives such as stdio streams and abstraction over File System files. | NO | deno_io, rustyline, winapi, nix, libc, once_cell |
web | Provides the Event, TextEncoder, TextDecoder, File, Web Cryptography, and fetch APIs from within JS | NO | deno_webidl, deno_web, deno_crypto, deno_fetch, deno_url, deno_net |
default | Provides only those extensions that preserve sandboxing | yes | deno_console, deno_crypto, deno_webidl, deno_url |
no_extensions | Disables all extensions to the JS runtime - you can still add your own extensions in this mode | yes | None |
all | Provides all available functionality | NO | deno_console, deno_webidl, deno_web, deno_net, deno_crypto, deno_fetch, deno_url |
fs_import | Enables importing arbitrary code from the filesystem through JS | NO | None |
url_import | Enables importing arbitrary code from network locations through JS | NO | reqwest |
Please also check out @Bromeon/js_sandbox, another great crate in this niche
For an example of this crate in use, please check out lavendeux-parser